Chapter 12

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Jimin P.O.V
Any reason as to why this was a bad idea had now completely left my mind. To the point Where I couldn't think clearly at all.

His lips continued to move agaisnt mine, his tongue searching every inch of my mouth, his large hands groping the lower of my back after sneakily moving his hands under the fabric of my jumper and T-shirt.

The taste of his strawberry lips mixed with his mint toothpaste and vanilla flavored saliva was intoxicating, causing my whole body to relax into his touch, yearning for more.

My breathing hitched as his lips moved from mine, causing a small cold breeze to push past them from the loss of warmth. His lips then made their way to my neck, each soft small kiss sending a shiver down my spine. My hands loosening around his neck jusy to find themselves holding on his upper arms for support once again.

This whole thing was new to me and my body didnt know how to react at all. I felt weak from the smallest skinship, his soft open mouth kisses causing my heart to erupt into butterflies.

I tried to muffle my whimpers through gritted teeth but failed as jungkooks teeth softly sunk into a small spot of skin on my shoulder, his tongue creating hot circles agaisnt it.


Then as fast as it started it all stopped. The cold air now also hitting agaisnt my exposed shoulders. I didnt dare open my eyes as the realization of what Id just done took over me.

Jimin you FUCKING idiot.

My whole body stiffened, jungkooks obnoxious laugh filling my ears while a reluctantly opened my eyes.
There he was, stood a few inches away from me, his hands shoved into his pockets, his hair falling infront of his eyes with the same annoying as smirk that he always had on.

The look on his face said it all, Id literally walked into the twats trap and let him take advantage of me. I fell for his perfect face, perfect body and god damn perfect words. This is why he was ugly.

"Arw kitten, was kookie your first kiss?"

The smug look on his face became even more annoying as his lips turned up into a smile, one eyebrow lifting in a questioning manner while his words mocked my every being.

I wanted to shout, to scream, to fucking deck that look right off his face, but how could I? My body wouldnt move an inch, my voice failed me on every accord.

"Where's the cocky little shrimp from before huh?"

His tone was even more annoying, boiling the anger up inside me even more yet I couldnt let a single thing out. Could I really blame him? I kissed back, I let him carry on, he was just doing what he always did; being a Fuck boy.

I dont really know how long Id been stood there, eye wide, body stiff. I dont know how long my hands had been clenched around the fabric of my jumper or how long my gaze had been drawn to the flooring behind him.

All I know was one second I was loosing my senses in his touch and the next he was stood infront of me mocking me in everyway he could.

I didnt know what I was meant to do, walk away? But Why should I? Its Mt house or even kick him out but my body and voice just wouldnt bloody work.

But by the time id tried to force myself to talk and get rid of him he was gone. No longer was he stood infront of me mocking me, his body and presences was no Whwre to be found.

I found my eyes frantically searching for him, searching for any sign of him, but why. Why did I so desperately wanted him to be still here, still stood near me, infront of me.

How the hell did I go from hating him, to kissing him, to regretting it and then to this, knees pushed into the flooring while my face was buried into my hands. How did I go from feeling sick around him to feeling sick without him so fast.

Jungkook... Youre a Dick

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