Chapter 47

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Jungkook P.O.V
'You dont mean that...' the words I wanted to say.
'You can't mean that...' the words I tried to scream.

But my voice failed me once again, my body giving up before I'd even tried as I stumbled myself to the bathroom. My hands gripped to the handle of the cubical, slowly letting myself collapse.

~ Back to present ~

The image of Jimins small body curled into me flashed into my memories as my eyes became blurred from tears. The way his hair fell across his forehead, the feeling of his skin against mine, everything sending a warm feeling to rush through me.

What was I doing? When did I become so pathetic, why was I letting him get away?

Within a second my body was upright, my legs carrying me faster than I could think as I frantically dried the tears from my eyes. I scanned my surroundings as I darted through the corridors, my body moving towards jimins class. I needed to tell

My breathing was jagged as I stopped in front of his classroom, my hands holding to the window ledge as I looked for him among the heads and faces. Before I could even catch my breath I moved to taes class, faces and people becoming smudges as my heart took control.

Tae P.O.V
My head lulled as I attempted to stay awake, I really hated maths but today, today was extra boring. I let my chin rest on my hand as I glanced towards the clock, brown locks catching my attention instead.

Jungkook was stood slightly out of view, I could see his chest heaving as his eyes danced around the class, his body quickly disappearing as fast as it arrived.

I had a bad feeling about this.

Jungkook P.O.V
I didn't know what I was gonna say or do if I found him, all I knew was I needed to see him and that alone was enough to keep my legs running. They moved for me, dodging the other kids who were still in the corridors as I made my way to the entrance.

The cold rain hit me instantly, small beads falling on my face as I stopped myself at the gate. Frantically searching the faces around me while attempting to catch my breath was harder than I thought, especially with this ice rain but Jimins small face continued to flash through my mind.

So I ran, ran as fast as I could towards his house, letting my eyes take a few seconds to scan the people around me as I moved until a familiar body frame came into sight.

For a moment it was like everything stopped, the rain moving in slow motion around me as I watched his small, wet body frame shuffle down the pavement. I tried to catch my breath, shakily moving myself forward as I forced his name out my dry throat.


My eyes fixated on him as he turned, his hair fell completely flat and dangled in front of his eyes. His face was expressionless, his body was hunched a little and his lips an off shade of white.

I felt myself stepping forward, my hand outstretched as I moved towards him. I couldn't let him go, no just yet, not right now. Jimins head tilted to the side momentarily before his eyes grew wide, the only word to describe the look on his face was disgusted.

And that's when he started to run, his body turning in a second before he literally leaped away from me. So I did the only thing I could think of, I followed. I could barley feel the rain as I watched his back move, my body moving with him just to make sure I didn't lose him.

My footing stopped as I watched him push open his house door, not once taking the time to look before he began to shut it.


I hissed through gritted teeth as I rammed my foot into the gap between the door and door framed while Jimin placed all his wait on the door.

"G-go away"

No.! Not this time. I pushed against the door, using my arm as a ram and hoping I didn't hurt him. Jimins body wasn't moving, all his weight placed on the door just trying to keep me out; did he really hate me that much? I couldn't help but gasps for small amounts of air, the cold raining causing my skin to feel numb while my breathing was still jagged .

I told myself once more, one more shove, one more push and if this really isn't meant to be, I'd leave. But as I built up the breath for one final attempt I found the wood was no longer there to catch me. Instead my body hurled itself to the floor, my arms smashing into the laminate under me.

Everything was silent for a moment, my eyes adjusting as I grunted in pain. The sound of Jimins wet shoes against the material on the stairs had me scrambling my body up, slipping slightly on the wet floor as I stumbled for balance.

"Jimin wait please"

I kicked the door shut with my foot as I scurried after him, gripping to the banister as I continued to lose my footing. I let myself look at my surroundings, the once small stairs seeming like a mountain, his blue painted wall looked more like an off gray while his bedroom door seemed miles away from my reach.

And then I was there. Stood with my back against the now closed bedroom door while Jimins wet, sunken body was facing me. His eyes hollow, tears threatening to fall at any time while his clothes hung heavy on his skin. It was like I couldn't catch my breath, my chest feeling heavy and my body feeling numb just seemed to make this whole situation seem surreal.


"I'm sorry Jimin..."

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