Chapter 3

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A/N All words used to describe members are for book purposes only; I'm attracted to them all, js.

Author's P.O.V
"Fucking dumb ass piece of shit" jimin mumbled to himself as he flung open the roof top doors, them slamming shut behind him.

He found himself kicking to odd stone or piece of trash as he dragged his feet towards the edge of the roof. To say the little guy was still pissed would be an understatement but just because hes small doesnt mean he wasnt feisty.

His right hand dived into his jeans pocket, rummaging around till he found the one thing people didnt know about him; his fags. He opened the small scrunched packet, pulling out what could only be described as something that resembled wet tissue and placed it agaisnt his lips.

Smoking wasnt something jimin ever considered doing, if youd of asked him 2 years ago if that was even a possibility hed of simply laughed in your face but time wasnt so kinda to him and he found various ways to cope with his own madness. One being half scrunched fags.

Jimin P.O.V
So i smoke. So what? Theres a lot of things people dont know about me and id like to keep it that way.

I ran my finger across the top of my clipper causing a small flame to spark, i held it to the tip of my fag before inhaling the toxin into my lugs and blowing it out.

Its stupid when people say it relieves stress but unless you smoke yourself you wouldnt understand.

"Seriously who the Fuck does he think he is? Kitten... Ill bit his little fucking kitten off" i scoffed as i lifted the fag to my lips once again.

No longer than five minuets after i arrived at the one place that seemed to calm me the school bell rang in my ears, i groaned before throwing the remainder of the fag onto the ground. Yay school.


Seriously being average wasnt so bad, people didnt bother with you weather it be good or bad. You werent no one and you werent special either.

First class was shit as always; maths, its not that i cant do it i just dont want to. As for second, third and fourth which concist of english, music and art they too were pretty Shit, but those lessons i kinda' enjoyed. Lucky for me giraffe boy and his side kick taylor, Tryon or whatever his name is had decided to skip, his face alone would of just pissed me off.

After all that being said the world just seemed to be against me again.

I pulled my hood over my head as i pushed open the cafeteria doors, my music blasting through my headphones just to drown out the familiar squeels and laughter of the not so hot cheerleaders that seemed to repopulat faster than i shat.

Although i wasnt really looking where i was going, i also wasnt clueless to my surrounding but for the first time in a long time i felt eyes on me, that uneasy and pissed off feeling growing in the pit of my stomache once more. This cant be good.

I slowly continued to dodge passed people, keeping my eyes to the floor and my head swaying to the music as i attempted to get to vending machine; but my long journey of self discovery and more importantly FOOD was cut short.

"Oh if it isnt... Kitten"

The words jumbled and mix matched into one as my brain grimaced at the voice ringing in my ears. Ugly. I felt a large hand pull harshly on the back of my head causing my head to jolt back while the clothe that covered my brown hair flopped against my shoulders.



"Didnt your mum ever tell you no to play with your food"

And that voice must be terrance, tylor or something? The cafeteria fell silent for a moment before the music no longer drowned out the apes that surrounded me.

This kid and the fucking five nob gobblers that followed him about were really starting to piss me off and ruin the day for me. I tugged on my headphones letting them fall into my hands before pushing them into my jumpers pocket and turning around on the spot.

Giraffe boy was stood no more than two feet away from me, his hands shoved into his pocket, his hair falling a little over his forhead and that ugly ass smirk plastered across his face. Oh and the boy scouts were behind him too.

Most people would be intimidated or scared, some even over joyed to have the golden maknae stood infront of them. I on the other hand felt like id been set on fire like a match stick...

This kid.

Why cant jimin get taehyungs name right and when did jungkook join the boy scoubts god jimin your choice of words are magical.

Hello my potatos ~ jimins always been feisty hasnt he? 🤣

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