Chapter 10

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Authors P.O.V
"Can you please fuck off now..." Jimins words were like venom as the excited him mouth.

jungkook was not even paying attention the a sass that oozed from the small boy infront of him. The youngers eyes being glued to the small boys behind from the second he stormed off outside school, all the way to his front door.

If jungkook was being honest he wasnt really sure how and why he was stuck in this situation, he was the first to admit he was gorgeous and everyone wanted him, the first to admit that he was cocky and couldnt back down from a dare. But what he was confused about was why he felt so compelled to prove everyone wrong about this, that the small cocky boy infront of him was like everyone else and soon would fall head over heals for him.

"And why would I do that kitten? We have a deal... Remember"

The younger taller boy leaned forward, causing jimin to slightly stumble back on the spot, his back knocking into the front door he was yet to open.

Jungkook had followed him all the way home, even after the younger threatened to bite his Dick off, the thought of those lips around his crotch only fuelled the need to prove everyone wrong more. All jungkook had to do was remind the smaller of their little one sided deal and he would soon shut up.

And thats what he planned on doing.

Jimin P.O.V
The more i thought the more my brain seem to heart, honestly, all he did was make my brain hurt and after my mood had been brought up and down like a rollacoaster I wasnt in any type of mood to argue.

I shuffled myself from the door, my eyes forcing themselves back to my keys in my hand as I attempted to unlock the door.

His aftershave filled my nose, I could practically feel his smirk on the bsck of my head and i could literally hear him shuffle on the spot.

"If you arent going to leave... Might as well get this project started"

I slung my body through the door, leaving it open and allowing that thing to enter my house, to drained to even think of making him leave now. I continued to walk towards the kitchen, kicking my shoes off and dropping my bag by the stairs as I did so.


My head darted over my shoulders, watching as the giraffe closed the door behind him while his eyes scanned his surroundings.

"That is something you arent"

Although id planned on thinking those words according to his shocked face which soon turned into a smirk; I clearly said it aloud and he clearly heard.

I quickly turned back, my stomach pressing into the work top as I turned on the tap to get a class of water. Why did he make me so damn savage?

I heard shuffling behind, wanting nothing more than to smash the glass in my hand in his head and literally shovel him into a bin, but I refrained myself, slowly continuing to drink, in hopes he would just vanish or this one some fucked up dream and id make up.

I was clearly VERY wrong.

The water down my throat entered the wring pipe, instantly choking me as I staggering agaisnt the sink, spitting water everywhere infront of me.

Jungkooks long arms wrapped themselves around my waist. His crotch pressing harshly into my arse while his chest flushed into my back.

For a second, as I tried not to choke to death, id forgotten to reason I was dying in the first place.

My whole body froze, a boiling sensation making its way up my whole body, I felt my hands becoming sweaty, my mouth dry and an odd feeling burst through my stomach.

I could feel his breath tickling the small hairs on my neck, his warm, long arms holding 'my firmly agaisnt the side, his hold chest keeping me in place.

"I told you didnt I? You need to do everythibg I say" his voice was low and raspy, the odd word lingering on his tongue just a little linger than usual sending a small shiver to run down my spine.

I literally couldnt move, as much as I wanted to, I wanted to push him away, move, speak, anything, my body was refusing to respond to anything but his touch. My skin prickled under my clothes, my blood seemed to pump through my veins even faster than before and my lips were becoming painfully dry.

"Kiss me"

Jade what are you even writing yoy stupid potato!!!

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