Chapter 19

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Jungkook P.O.V
It was like something from a movie, not that rrally good one you watched with your parent when you were younger and even though you couldnt remember the name or even the main story plot you remember the film; no, this scene infront of me was like that shitty film you catch your sibling watching at some stupid early hours of the morning, something so Shit you literally take one look and walk away.

The cold wind blew past my face, my hands instantly making their way into my jacket pocket while my feet were glued to the same spot.

Jimin on the other hand was just looking at me, his hands fumbling with his sleeves as he stood on the step outside his front door, his cheeks a light tint of pink; it was clearly the wind.

My eyes wouldnt shift from his face, my body not moving back or forward, still stood two foot away from jimin like i was moment ago when my mouth spoke without my brain agreeing.


I clearly didnt mean it, my body been so caught up in the small argument that my brain had misjudge my words and the sentence just slipped out - yes definitely that -.

Then why did my heart feel like it was about to rip out of my chest and completely fuck off when jimins eyes met mine. Why did my hands instantly become sweaty at the way his lips parted as if he was going to say something, why the fuck did i even say it!?

The silence was unbearable. It was like a thick fog had rapped around my vocal cords because no matter how much i tried to force myself out of this situation it just wasnt happening.

"Y-you t-think im c-cute"

His eyes were as wide as saucers, his bottom lip tugged between his teeth while his hands still fimbled around with his sleeves. I couldnt help but just stare, his question didnt even take me of gaurd infact i found myself subconsciously replying.

"Well... Kinda. Yeah"

If my soul could of left my body at any moment now would of been the perfect time. No scrap that, just someone run me over with a tractor, then ill be happy.

Then something snapped in my head, namjoons worlds playing over and over again; be nice, woo him, be kind.



Jimin P.O.V
He thinks im cute? Cute? Me? Cute?

My feet stumbled through the front door, jungkook following behind while my brain was having a complete Malt down at that one sentence.

Why did my whole body burn with every sweet thing he said and did, why did i felt myself wanting to be around him so much even though i tried so hard to push him away, why did my heart flutter whenever he followed me about or even tried to act cool around me. He was driving me insane and sometimes i questioned if that was even a bad thing anymore.

I was quickly brought from my thoughts when a huge amount of paid ran uo my leg, my left knee instantly giving way and my body falling towards the floor.

My hands pressed into the laminat flooring, while i tried to push myself up but failed. My knee throbbing as i accidentally oushed pressure on it; why was i such an air head.

"You okay?"

Once again id let my mind wonder but was bought back by that annoying yet oddly soothing voive. His warm, large hands wrapping around my waist to pull me up, thats when everything went in slow motion.

My back was pressed agaisnt his chest while i tried to balance myself upright. I could feel the warmth of his body once again, i could feel the beating off his heart, his breath fanning against the back of my neck. And for a brief moment, the silence was soothing and a small part of me didnt want it to end.

His left hand slowly lowered down to my thighs before i found myself being lifted off the floor, my hands instantly going to wrap around jungkooks neck as he moved me into a 'princess' carry.

My heart literally leaped out my chest, my whole face could of been compared to the sun at this point whilw my throat became dry.

"J-jungkook... PUT ME DOWN"

I tried to fidget in his hold, looking anywhere but at him but all that did was cause him to tightening his grip on me, lifting me a little to carry me more comfortably.

"Shush and let me look after you will you"

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes met with his, his soft expression and doe like eyes causing me to relax into his touch and do nothing more but nod in agreement.

If it wasnt for my brain becoming like mush and my knee throbbing i would even say i saw him blush, but thats impossible right?

If it wasnt for my brain becoming like mush and my knee throbbing i would even say i saw him blush, but thats impossible right?

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