Chapter 6

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"Ha! This machine sucks, sure, but it sucks good too!" Toga joked as she examined her canisters which were filled with blood.

"You're puns are lame." Dabi stated monotonously. Toga let out a dramatic huff and continued to examine her support item canisters while mumbling something about Dabi being the lame one. She then suddenly stopped and put her canisters down.

"You know...I've been thinking about something." Dabi heard the change in her tone. It sounded more natural, and even more calm and sane, which was extremely unusual of her, and immediately cussed him to truly listen to what she was saying instead of tuning her out like usual.

"What is it?"

"Well...You know, about the cutie, Izu...He could technically be of great use to the league of villains." Dabi didn't like where this was going, but he was curious. How can someone so innocent and incompetent of fighting be use to the league of villains? His quirk was probably useless too since he didn't even use it to defend himself against Bakugo...

"How the hell would he be capable of that?" Dabi snapped, both confused and annoyed.

"Wow, don't get so pissy. I know you've got a soft spot for the kid, but I bet he does too." Dabi let out a small 'tch'.

"He's going into High School next year right? That means he's gonna have to go another school for High Schoolers', right?"

"Yeah, so?" Toga hesitated for a second, seeming unsure of whether she was planning to say next, even if she tried not to show it.

"He could technically get into UA, right? Where All Might is gonna be working, right?" Dabi was silent for a moment, processing what she said.

Finally, he snorted, and then let out a sharp, almost amused laugh. Toga frowned at him, annoyed at being laugher at, before turning away and pouting, regretting her previously-seemingly good idea.

"You've got to be kidding me! I love Izu and all, but he's nowhere the level of a beginner pro hero. He's got a useless quirk that can't be used in combat, and even if he does, he's not even willing to use it. I'm not even talking about his skin-and-bone body! It'd take a miracle." The two sat in silence afterwards for about a minute before Toga started to talk again.

"I...Told Shiggy about my idea and Izuku already." Dabi's head snapped towards where Toga was sitting.

"You did what?!"

"You can't decide for him! So I told Shiggy in case Izu accepts to be ready to help with a new willing member spy. Give Izu a chance Dabi! Maybe Shiggy would have something to offer him, or maybe he despises heroes because they weren't able to protect them while you could! You know, that sort of-" Dabi jumped off the roof towards another roof before Toga could finish and jumped down the emergency stairs.

He ignored Toga as he rushed towards where he knew Midoriya's house was, annoyance and mostly anger making him speed up and scowl deeply. Toga didn't know what she had done, and now, he had to warn Midoriya before the League of Villains got to him first: and if he didn't, and Midoriya refused, he didn't want to know what Shigaraki would do to the boy to keep their league undiscovered.


Midoriya sighed as he closed his notebook shut.

Seems like Dabi isn't going to visit today...Probably busy with something. Midroiya knew that he was a villain, and that he was probably doing villainous things right now. And honestly...That made Midoriya feel uneasy.

Wanting to become a hero like All Might was his number one goal, yet here he was, having a villain defend him and fight for him, let along them becoming friends. That wasn't very heroic of him, but he couldn't just pretend that Dabi didn't treat him better than many other people had — he owed him that much, at least.

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