Chapter 12

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Midoriya was, simply put, very impressed.

The liberation army had managed to fix Midoriya's mask in no time, and it looked as good as new, although a few scratches on the basic inseparable parts of the mask remained, but Midoriya couldn't complain even if he tried. Not only that, but Deika city's news workers had edited the news report so that it would seem like the work of gangsters, and the city was left without heroes during the time the villain's attacked, so it supported both the league and the army; hiding the league's presence and showing that humans should be permitted to use their quirks to fight, especially in these situations.

Too bad the disintegration of the city part may seem suspicious...

"Midoriya!" Midoriya felt himself hold back a groan as he turned around towards Re-Destro, who was hurriedly jogging towards him, having no fractured bones (much to Midoriya's dismay).

"Yes...Re-Destro...?" Midoriya asked, his voice strainer as he cracked his fingers.

"I wanted to sincerely apologize and thank you for having mercy on us! I wanted to officially propose all the people towards your cause! You are the true liberator and-"

"Then shut up and turn around, walk for 5 minutes down the hall, and then you're free." Midoriya commanded as he sent a death glare at him, his eyes casting a glow from the shadow brought by the hood he was wearing. Midoriya gaped at the man as he smiled widely and bowed, before turning around and hurrying away while speaking,

"Of course! I'll see you soon, Kyōfu!" Midoriya let out a long sigh as he rubbed his temple, before turning away and walking down the hall. He was glad to have a bit of his anger out, but now that it had faded, it was replaced by his anxiousness. We'll have to face a whole army...I'll have to command them...Even if they don't have a say in this matter, I can't have them hate me! I have to make an impression, so that they'll follow me without hesitance...And my age doesn't help in this matter either!

Midoriya put on his mask, not wanting any more people to see him, and even possibly recognize him. Even if the chances were slim, he didn't want anyone to recognize him and possibly rat him out to the heroes...

"Izu?" Midoriya glanced sideways as Toga rushed up to him, fixing her fur coat as she looked at Midoriya with an expression he couldn't understand.

"Don't call me that while we're here...I already have a villain name, remember?" Midoriya grunted as he looked at the floor, his social anxiety peaking even while speaking to one person as he tried to get the images of having to face thousands of hundreds people...

"You're worried about presenting yourself, aren't you?" Midoriya's eyes slightly widened behind his mask as he slightly turned towards Toga, not wanting to seem too concerned about the matter.

"Why would I be?" Midoriya asked too quietly, and he couldn't help but clench his fists in frustration from how weak his voice sounded. Too weak. There was no way anyone would listen to someone like him if he kept this up...

"Don't worry about it. The more chill you act, the more people would respect you." Toga walked up closer to Midoriya and placed a hand around his neck, pulling him down slightly because of her short figure.

"Sure, you shouldn't go around messing up on every word you speak, or telling everyone to 'not fuck up' or whatever, but you shouldn't be too formal either."

"You're not making this easier..."

"I'm not good at this stuff, but there's a reason why I'm still here and listening to you whenever you command to do something." Midoriya rose an eyebrow and turned to face Toga, who had abruptly stopped, causing Midoriya to stop as well as he hand slowly slipped off his shoulder. "You have this...Sort of switch." Midoriya frowned at her and was about to ask what she meant when she continued, her expression unreadable as she slightly knitted her brows and looked at the ground in what seemed to be concentration, unusual for her usually smiley and insane expressions.

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