Chapter 16

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Kirishima called, just like he was requested to, right after the encounter with Bakugo. Without any greetings, he immediately said what he wanted to say, wanting to know the answer to his own questions.

"Yeah, he was acting weird today. What's up with that?" Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck nervously, feeling his suspicion rise about the situation. He didn't like that the male on the other end of the line could predict Bakugo's behavior like this. Was there an important reason behind that?

"Thanks for that, Kirishima. It's a PI, I can't say anything. Sorry." Kirishima stopped rubbing his neck, mouth slightly opening in surprise as he tried to find the right words to say.

A PI was a conjugation for 'private investigation', and some heroes used that to try and not get others to overhear what was going on when they were talking about private investigations.

"You're conducting one? About him, or-"

"You have nothing to worry about. Sorry, I gotta run—have to say though, I'm really thankful! You were of great help."


"Have a good day, Kirishima!" Kirishima's phone beeped thrice before he had time to say anything else, and he slowly lowered it as he glared at the floor of the alley. He turned towards the street and walked out into it, searching the area as if he would be able to find Bakugo again, and maybe he would see something that would show why Bakugo was acting like that. It felt wrong. The whole PI felt wrong, too.

Kirishima gulped heavily. He was going to have to talk to Bakugo about this.

As soon as possible. Before something bad happens.


All for One had his plan perfected.

He had included all the details, all the information he knew, everything. He created a perfect plan based on that, adding the possibilities of something going wrong to every step and making plans that would suffice for any possible misalignment with his first plan.

However, it felt like he hadn't thought this through as well as he thought. Coming back to where he had left Toga tied up in the abandoned building, he realized she wasn't there. The ropes were untied, as if someone other than Toga had untied them for her, and the dust piling at the floor where Toga should've been sitting signalled it's been like that for a while.

That wasn't something he thought about. No, he did think that there was a chance for Togata to escape, but it seemed so unlikely. He had planned for it, and he was going to proceed according to that plan, but...How?

Who found her? And who did that so quickly? He hid her pretty well, even if not too far away, but it's not like the League of Villains would go around every house and check all of them thoroughly. It made no sense.

He didn't like it when things didn't make sense. Something was off, very off, a factor he hadn't considered. A factor he should've considered. What was that factor?

All for One didn't like it. Something was really, really off, and he was sure that this would be something he would regret if he didn't figure it out before it would be too late.

And so he thought. Long and hard, he thought.

And yet, nothing came to mind.


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Didn't I say we will keep an eye on you?"

"Are you going to spend every second by my side, then? You could just put a locator and a mic or some shit on my phone. I honestly couldn't care less. But goddammit, at some point you're gonna have to deal with standing outside my door and listening to me jerking off."

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