Chapter 6

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Midoriya inhaled sharply and coughed as he caught his breath, finally being released from compression. It wasn't something he was used to - neither was it something he wanted to get used to.

"Welcome back, Midoriya!" Spinner smiled at the boy and wrapped his hand around his shoulder, ruffling his hair. Midoriya glared at the mutant as he smirked the familiar smirk he had seen too many times for the last few days.

"Cut it out..." Midoriya grunted as he slipped out of the villain's grasp and unsuccessfully fixing his hair.

"Someone didn't like being compressed. Claustrophobic or something?" Dabi teased as he swung his hand over Midoriya's shoulder, overpowering the smaller boy as he kept a tight grip around his neck while looking down at him. Midoriya huffed angrily as he let his friend's hand stay on his shoulder.

Villain or not, the two no longer had much comforting physical touching, and Midoriya kind of missed it.

Excluding the fact that Dabi had starting chocking him by then.

"Dabi, let go you dumbass." Midoriya growled as he let his usual villain facade slip back into place. Dabi let out a playful 'tch' and let go of him, ruffling his hair quickly before stepping aside. Midoriya sighed and cleared his throat as he began to speak,

"Right, now that we're done with this, we gotta set out as soon as possible; rather now. We don't have much time before the heroes start looking for me, and we don't want me to be found before we fishing the mission." Midoriya stated as he fixed his hair as much as he could.

"Any exactly plan you have, leader?" Tomura asked sarcastically, his brows tilting provokingly. Midoriya held back from snapping at him as he looked at Tomura in the eyes, only to be distracted by his mask (as always). 

"I have one in mind...Don't know if you're gonna like it though."


"Seriously? By foot?" The league groaned as Midoriya chuckled nervously. Obviously he didn't have a plan on how to get to their destination; the league was well known and easily recognizable, so they couldn't go by train, or even a metro - it was too risky. He didn't have a car either, so that wasn't an option.

All that was left was to go by foot.

"Aw man, this is gonna be exhausting." Toga moaned as he placed her hand around Midoriya's neck, leaning against his shoulder as she walked by him. Midoriya sighed as he let her stay on his shoulder.

If only we had a transport...It would've been so much easier! If only we could've just gotten a car or someone, even for a little...

Midoriya's eyes widened as he slowed down in realization. Toga hummed as she tilted her head to look at Midoriya, who's face twisted into a smirk.

"I may have an idea in mind...This one you're gonna like no doubt."


"Faster! Faster!"

Toga screamed as Dabi pressed the accelerator even more, the motor of the stolen van screeching loudly. Midoriya pressed his lips against each other tightly, and he knew Tomura was doing the same as they both remained squished in between Spinner and Compress who were sitting by the windows, leaving them to sit in the small extra seat in the middle of the stolen car.

Magne screeched from the third row of the van, hugging Twice tightly as he gasped for breath, both from the sudden speed and the tight grip around his neck from the shrieking villain beside him. Kurogiri sat next to the window to the right of the third row of the van, seeming to not be affected by anything that was going on around him.

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