Chapter 14

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Midoriya took a deep breath as he followed Doctor, a clinic mask on his face and a hoodie covering his hair. They were walking down the halls of a Hospital, and as Doctor was greeted respectingly and enthusiastically by the other doctors and nurses, while side-eyeing the shy looking male that tugged his hood down lower as he kept his eyes glued to the ground just as Doctor had told him to.

Finally, they reached one of the doors, and Doctor waved him in before closing the door firmly shut behind him and locking it quickly.

"I apologize for having attracted so much attention to myself. I'm afraid that I am a well-known figure here..." Doctor said, sighing.

"It's alright. Don't worry  about it...You are the founder of this hospital, so it makes sense." Midoriya excused as he once again tried to comprehend the fact that oh my god the founder of this hospital was a villain, like who would've known?!

There was no way someone would've guessed that this man that smiled so sweetly at the doctors and nurses was a villain working with the organization that planned to destroy the hero society, and at that moment, Midoriya couldn't help but wonder how many people are hiding in the crowd, in plain site, from authority, without letting anyone know their true side.

A small number that formed in his mind was quickly pushed away as he remembered the amount of heroes he saw in the army, and he decided to stop thinking about it altogether as Doctor began to walk again. Midoriya shivered as he looked around; after all, right now, he was walking through a morgue, dead bodies covered by a white sheet all around him, and he couldn't help but shudder at the cemetery around him as they finally made it to the other side of the room, entering through a door towards the supposedly unused part of the hospital.

Midoriya couldn't help the small sigh of shock and disbelief coming from his mouth as he looked around the hallway through which Doctor casually walked through.

The entry hallways was already filled with large, slightly larger than human size tubes filled with a liquid that glowed green due to the lightning and the actual color of the liquid. The Nomu were all different looking, their sizes and shapes differentiating but staying close to a size slightly above an average height human.

And Midoriya knew that was only the beginning, but still couldn't help but stop dead in his tracks as he scanned the large room in front of him, filled with more tubes of way larger sizes that he had not seen the first time he was teleported here after taming Gigantomachia.

There was a Nomu similar to the one he saw right Endeavor, and then other Nomu that looked like the copy, but differentiating in shape, and as Midoriya could only guess because of the color of the liquid, differentiated in color as well.

"Do you like it?" Doctor asked, a grin on his face as he moved his arm along the room behind him, as if presenting the Nomu in the tubes.

"They are all ready now, prepared to be used and obey. They're powerful, as powerful as the now number one hero, and as soon as you send 10, half of the heroes you'll have to fight will crumble, if not more." Midoriya nodded slowly. After all, unless Endeavor clones himself, which seemed unlike since they were lucky enough to have Twice on their side, there was almost no way they'd be able to beat even one of the High-End Nomu.

"I...Yes." Midoriya managed firmly as he scanned the room, turning 380 to see all the Nomu, preparing for the upcoming battle.

After 3 months of preparing, they were ready to strike.

"Thank you Doctor." Midoriya said, bowing down respectfully.

"This will bring the downfall of the hero society. You did well on your job, and I am in your debt." Midoriya rose and glanced at Doctor, who had a look of shock and a small glimmer of hope shining in his eyes as he looked up at his new master, who turned and slowly and confidently began to walk out of the room.

Doctor quickly wobbled after him as he shut off the lights, and the two walked in and out of the morgue, Doctor locking the room behind them as they walked down the hall.

Suddenly, Midoriya stopped abruptly right before turning the corner, hearing footsteps. It wouldn't have caused him to stop dead in his tracks in shock as it did if it weren't for the loudness and the number of footsteps that seemed to be coming their way.

Midoriya motioned for Doctor to stop, and before he could think it over he quickly pulled Doctor into the room next to them, putting a finger over his lips as he closed the door quietly but quickly behind them. The darkness of the room envelop them, and Midoriya bit his lip as he tried to calm his breathing. He slowly moved the curtain blocking the window away, and peeked through it as he heard the footsteps get closer.

His eyes widened and he quickly let go of the curtain as his eyes caught site of a large figure stomping past their door, and he couldn't help but cover his mouth as he tried to calm his breathing.

Endeavor was there. And behind him, he saw even more heroes.

He could hear the footsteps stop, but there were a lot of them, even faded away. Too many. Too early.

Too early.

The heroes weren't supposed to come, and now, if they found them, Midoriya wouldn't be able to beat them all his own and get Doctor out of there with him. And besides, he couldn't let them know that he was with the villains either...

"Master." Midoriya turned towards Doctor as he took a deep breath. He motioned for him to speak, but finger over his mouth to signal to be quiet. Doctor nodded before continuing,

"I'm afraid there is no way for the two of us to get out of here undetected. And even if we do, they are most likely searching for me, seeing as they're walking right where we had been minutes ago..." Midoriya nodded in confirmation, slightly rudely, but right now, he didn't particularly care. If he was trying to rub the salt into their wounds, it was working well, but not helping them in any way.

"I'm afraid this is where I have to leave." Midoriya frowned at the man as a glint of confusion showed on his face.

"You're abandon-"

"What? No! I am not!" Doctor hissed, trying to keep his voice down as he looked at Midoriya, a frantic look on his face.

"I swore my loyalty to your master, and now, you have to believe in my loyalty to you as well." Doctor bowed down and spoke his next words slowly and quietly, but firmly, and Midoriya's eyes widened as he felt dread pool in stomach.

"I will have to hand myself in."

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