Chapter 2

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It's been a month.

A month of doing nothing but sitting around and searching for money and food.

This isn't what I wanted...Not what Master wanted either...Did he seriously think a kid like him could do better than me?

Tomura was extremely pissed as he woke up every day to not get any news from their leader. As a matter of fact, Midoirya hadn't even helped them with food or money once after he decided to take on the role of leader. Tomura kicked the cracked glass bottle angrily, as he continued to walk down the alley.

And he even dared to accept...Knowing what a pathetic wimp he is, he still accepted! And he even decided he deserved my respect and tried to shake my hand!

Tomura growled angrily as he kicked the bottle again. This time, it hit the wall and shattered completely, almost like his explosive hatred towards the boy that took his place.

"Shigaraki?" Tomura stopped and turned towards the voice, which was behind him.

"What, Spinner?" Tomura grunted, turning away from the villain and starting to walk down the alley again.

"I was wondering what's been up with you lately. You've been completely out of it!" Spinner spoke quickly and nervously, his footsteps also signalling hesitance as he took small but quick steps and seeming to slow down for a second before picking up his pace again.

"Tch." Tomura kicked a can and it flyed a few meters away.

"Is this about Midoriya?" Tomura slowed down as he slighlty looked over his shoulder. Spinner also slowed down, as if not wanting to completely catch up to Tomura, staying just a bit out of sight.

"Even if it is, why do you care?" Tomura shrugged, and started walking again.

"That wimp is your leader now, you all seem pretty pleased with him too." Spinner stayed silent, but Tomura heard his footsteps behind him, and was about to snap at him to stop following him when Spinner spoke again.

"You know, I think I kind of understand you. You're confused." Tomura frowned as he turned on his heels towards Spinner. Spinner seemed surprised from the sudden movement but Tomura noticed as his expression quickly turned into nervousness.

"What?" Tomura growled.

Confused? The hell is he talking about?

"You don't understand why someone who seemed to care about you...Almost like a parental figure...Would choose someone else to become the successor of his place. You thought you gained his trust, and yet when someone like Midoriya, who is, harshly said, a wimp, comes into your life, he is immediately awarded with power that you had to work so hard for." Tomura frowned as he let his eyes waver away from Spinner.

He hated to admit it, but he knew he was right. Especially when he put it like that.

"I'm not confused." He simply stated. Spinner was taken aback by the calmness in Tomura's voice, and he was about to say something when Tomura continued.

"I'm angry. Pissed. At both of them. Nothing surprising...I deserved the place of the leader, and I was doing much better than that brat. He hasn't done anything for us in the time where I managed to come up with plans and fulfill them, and almost succeed!" Tomura stopped as he gritted his teeth and shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets.

Almost succeed...

"I...I don't care if this sounds narcissistic, but I'm better than him. There's got to be more to that, and I hate that I can't see it." Tomura turned away from Spinner, feeling his throat tighten. He'd never spoken to anyone like that, not even his master. But he knew what this was.

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