Chapter 19

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Bakugo coughed as he watched the dust clear, and glared in shock and anger and the newly standing figures in front of him, along with a few panicked and confused students who were beginning to exit the cafeteria at the time. Once the dust completely dissipated, his eyes widened in realization as he watched Midoriya crack his knuckles, his hands now freed from handcuffs and Tomura standing beside him.

Tomura had disintegrated the handcuffs.

Why, why didn't he think of that?! All the planning, all of it went downhill, and Iida...Fuck, Iida!

Bakugo snapped his head towards Iida, who was getting picked up by some student Bakugo didn't know, and the student put in all effort to get Iida away from the fight, a few students rushing in to help.

"Bakugo!" Bakugo's head snapped towards Kirishima, and the blond glared in anger and desperation as the spiky-haired male rushed towards him.

"Kirishima, back off! You don't know what's-"

"I do! I heard everything!" Kirishima interrupted him, and Bakugo gaped at him for a few seconds, seeing the look on his face as Kirishima helped him up. He knew. Bakugo could tell by his expression, and that was enough for him.

He nodded at Kirishima, and the two turned towards the traitor and the league, both wearing glares filled with hatred. 

"Oh, the blondy had it figured out beforehand, huh?" Dabi scoffed as he glanced at Midoriya, who simply shrugged in response casually. 

"I knew I wasn't crazy when I recognized you!" Bakugo snarled as he pointed at Dabi. "You were the guy that knocked me out back in middle school! You were with Deku!" Kirishima's eyes widened, although Dabi simply shrugged in response, nodding slightly in response. 

"If it makes you calm down, then yeah, you're not crazy-" Bakugo suddenly propelled himself towards them, and Midoriya quickly dodged, while Dabi aimed his fire at Bakugo casually, letting it burn all the area in front of him without care. Bakugo flew from out of the fire, his eyes shut unwillingly from the heat, and aimed an explosion towards where he knew the league was standing, slightly opening his eyes. Although, there was no one there. 

Bakugo quickly realized what was going on, and turned to his left as he saw Shigaraki reach towards him, his hand outstretched, aiming for his face. Before Shigaraki could touch him though, another figure jumped between them, pushing Bakugo out of the way and flying after him as well, both of them crashing uncomfortably from the impact. 

"Kirishima!" Bakugo snapped in shock as his eyes quickly found the now red spot on Kirishima's hand, the skin already gone and the spot now bleeding despite less than a second of contact. Kirishima hissed, but quickly nodded at Bakugo, and the two faced the league of villains once again. Before either side could do anything though, white cloth wrapped around Spinner, and the male yelped before he was yanked backwards. Although, just as he was about to reach EraserHead, Spinner disappeared, and it took a little more than a second for the now group of three to realize that Midoriya was standing in front of Aizawa, Spinner now beside Twice, and aiming a punch at the pro hero. 

Aizawa got sent back from the impact, and a few of the teachers that were already running to aid in the battle fell to the ground, unconscious. Bakugo quickly snapped out of his shock and turned towards where Spinner and Twice were standing, Twice helping Spinner stand up. He quickly ran, using his explosions to quicken his pace, towards the two, but before he could attack them, he was sent crashing into the wall to his right, flying right through it from the speed. He started to fall, but before he could land, he set off explosions, landing without much impact. Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind, and even though he knew it wasn't his modus operandi when it came to villain attacks, he knew that he had the best chances to...

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