Chapter 19

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"I cannot wake him up." Kurogiri re-entered the villains' apartment, sighing in defeat.

"He's not dead, is he?" Shigaraki scoffed, albeit half-heartedly.

"Of course not. I'm pretty sure he's awake, too." Shigaraki muttered a curse under his breath as the portal to Bakugo's apartment closed, Kurogiri entering the room of the apartment fully.

"Just great...I guess we have to go ourselves, huh?" Dabi grunted. Shigaraki turned towards Compress and Dabi. He didn't bother calling for Twice, the League having agreed to give him some space and letting him be alone in the bedroom. Knowing that Toga was having a child was surely great news for him—if only Toga was actually there to celebrate with him.

"That seems like the most reasonable course of action. Do we have any flashlights or anything of that sort? Or maybe we can just use our phones?" Compress offered.

"Phones will be enough for now, in my opinion." Kurogiri replied, nodding to himself. "It's sunset already. We best set off now and prepare for the night, maybe even glance around while the sun is up."

"The fuck is up with Blasty, though? He seems completely out of it." Dabi wondered, shoving his hands in his pockets as they walked towards the door and put on their jackets and took out a mask from the drawer by the door. "What do you think Toga told him?"

"Well, she can be intense, I guess. Maybe it was the pregnancy news that got to him?" Compress offered.

"Maybe, who knows, but who would've thought he'd be such a softy? I guess we'll never know though, huh?" Dabi sighed to himself, rubbing his temple. "And yet, he just has to go into his depressive episode now? We really need an extra pair of eyes."

"Don't let him hear you say that." Shigaraki snickered, pulling his mask up higher and putting a cap on.

"I'd be damned if he does. I'll keep my mouth shut." Dabi answered sarcastically, however somewhat seriously. Shigaraki snorted, but the humor was short lived as Kurogiri opened the portal to the playground and the villains began passing through, cautiously looking around for any witnesses of Kurogiri's infamous quirk.

They walked towards the playground, Kurogiri having teleported them a little further into the park rather than directly onto the playground, but before they could get off the path and walk towards where the playground was, Compress stopped, rubbing the back of his neck.

"There are more people than expected, huh?" Kurogiri responded with a contemplative hum, his yellow eyes narrowing under his hood. "I suppose you're right. We may have to wait a little before we go and investigate. We may seem suspicious, digging around on an unused playground. Someone might report us for possible drug-dealing or something of that sort."

"I swear, those drug-dealing thugs...For people that petty, they sure do leave a mark in our lives." Shigaraki snarled, rolling his eyes as he collapsed onto the bench, annoyed. The others sat near him, and the four of them sat quietly, some simply watching the people pass by while others looked at their phones and so on.

"I wish we could just get this over with already..." Dabi stated with a sigh, not as much annoyed as tired.

"I guess that's the best we can do for now." Compress replied. "Wish."


Bakugo remembered this feeling—that feeling of endless doom that seemed to overcome him, slowly yet effectively.

He realized he felt something back at the end of middle school, but he didn't start paying attention to it until high school. However, considering the intensity of heroic school, it was pretty easy to ignore. There was so much he had to do: classes, homework, helping shitty hair out with tasks, being forced to hang out with his classmates, cook his own food, study for exams, and so much more. And now, all he had to do was work half a shift, mostly uneventful, and then...Well, he was free. As positive of a word as that was, it didn't feel right. He didn't like having so much free time.

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