Chapter 31

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"Welcome back to the living, Deku."

Midoriya blinked, his eyes finally focusing onto the figure above him. He smiled, snorting a little, doing his best to ignore the pain in his body.

"What a warm welcome." Midoriya replied back, smiling at him genuinely as he slowly began sitting up, Bakugo, surprisingly, helping him by pushing him with his hand on his back.

"You're lucky you're not blown to pieces yet, damn nerd." Bakugo teased, the old nickname completely irrelevant now that they were out of school (and, also, considering Midoriya hadn't even finished school in the first place).

"Bakugo!" A voice called out, and he and Midoriya turned towards the voice, Midoriya pursing his lips nervously as he realized the number one and number four hero were surrounding them, far away but close enough to feel endangered.

"The fuck do you want, Icy Hot?! Can't you see I'm fucking talking business?" Bakugo yelled back, showing him the middle finger before turning towards Midoriya.

"Talking business, huh? Never thought you'd bother talking with me at all, to be honest."

"Shut up, I'm the one who's talking business, and you're listening. Got it, freakshow?" Midoriya rolled his eyes, but he shut his mouth nonetheless. "About your League of Losers. When're they picking you up?" Midoriya blinked at him in surprise, unsure how to answer.

"I...Don't know?"

"Then you're just letting yourself get arrested?" Bakugo quirked an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. Was he seriously going to let himself lose after winning such a grand fight?


"Then what the hell're you planning?" There was a pause, and a sheepish smile crawled onto Midoriya's face.

"I didn't exactly have the time to plan this far ahead. I was too busy trying to keep as many people alive, you know?"

"Well, it sure doesn't seem like that." Bakugo grumbled, glaring at the doorways that no one had passed through. Midoriya gulped heavily.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I was trying to keep a specific few alive." Bakugo turned back towards Midoriya, waiting for clarification. When he realized he wasn't going to answer, he decided to make the assumption himself.

"I'm one of those selected few, aren't I?" Midoriya pursed his lips into a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, and Bakugo simply sighed. Of course he had chosen him for the plan only because it was the most reliable and stable out of all of them. After all...

"I mean, you're Kacchan. I can't exactly let the future number one hero die, can't I? My conscience won't let me." Bakugo scoffed, and tried to bite back a smile, but Midoriya saw it nonetheless and returned it with a small smile of his own.

That is, until the doors suddenly began to slam open, and shot up, the movement making him feel dizzy as Bakugo himself scanned his surroundings in shock.

Heroes, at least ten from each entrance, had come inside the room, and were all glaring at the center, where Midoriya and Bakugo were standing.

Bakugo gulped, and Midoriya cowered.

"Well? Come up with anything yet? I'm not exactly about to go as far as save your ass again. I'm already deep in shit, if you haven't realized." Bakugo stated, his voice tense but at the same time calm, almost patient. Midoriya opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He didn't have a plan, and he sure as hell didn't have a breather to come up with one.

As lucky as he was to have been able to get out of All for One's control, he sure was in deep shit now that he was surrounded by heroes and as weak as he was.

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