Chapter 22

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Shigaraki was pissed. Not really at Bakugo, to be perfectly honest.

"All for One..."

When did I ever think of him as a savior?

He knew that those times, when he was still a child and oh so malleable, he saw him as a god. A powerful man who helped him achieve what he wanted through trial and error, never once angering about his mistakes. And yet, here was the same man, taking everything he cared about in a snap of a finger. Screw him, no matter how powerful he is.

"Screw that bastard." As if reading his mind, Dabi said aloud. "Can't he just leave us alone? I didn't think he was one for minor grudges...Aren't we the weak ones here? Why the fuck does he care about us now, when he has so many other things on his list?"

"He's a vindicitive man, it seems." Compress said, sighing and rubbing his eyes. "I mean, I guess that much should be obvious—he's trying to destroy what's left of his brother, and he had been at it for- what, more than a century?" Shigaraki nodded with an annoyed hum, fixing his hair out of his face tiredly.

"Maybe we should break Toga out of prison. If we die, we might as well die all together, right?" Kurogiri stated, leaning back on the couch.

"W-we're not going to die! Don't spew nonsense, Tomura!" Twice snapped at him, voice cracking. Shigaraki glanced at him, before quickly averting his eyes. Of course he wasn't going to accept reality—for him, life was just starting. Quite literally, considering the yet to be born child, his child, that he only recently found out he would have.

Shigaraki pitied him. Not much to be done about that, though, as much as he hated to think about it.

"Maybe we should just take him head on. A surprise attack." Dabi offered. Shigaraki hummed in thought, feeling on the same wavelength as the man sitting beside him. Compress sputtered, baffled.

"Don't you start doing that, for god's sake. We're not a suicide squad, got it?"

"I said a surprise attack, asshole. Fucking idiot..." Dabi mumbled halfheartedly, sipping on a can of beer Kurogiri didn't approve of. Shigaraki, despite the glare from Kurogiri, snatched it from Dabi and took a few gulps himself.

"Man...This sucks. We're totally useless, aren't we?" Dabi snarled to himself, covering his eyes with his wrist and letting himself relax on the couch weakly. "Can't do shit...Can't save Toga, can't save Izuku, can't fucking end a goddamn 200 year-old eyeless fucking bound up, jailed man!" Dabi yelled, gritting his teeth harshly. None of them could protest.

However, a knock suddenly sounded on their door, and all of them literally jumped off their seats, Shigaraki choking on the beer as his eyes widened and head snapped towards the door, much like the others.

"Atsuhiro. They may not know your face well. Please, open the door. We'll have your back in case anything happens." Kurogiri quickly commanded, snatching Shigaraki up by his hand and Dabi quickly jumping off his seat at the same time. Everyone hurried towards the bedroom, leaving the door open slightly as Compress slowly opened the door.

"You need somethin'?" Compress asked as nonchalantly as possible, even going as far as adding a small accent.

"Yes, I actually do." A male voice sounded, out of their sight.

"Hit me." Compress said, voice more or less calm but a slight strain to it despite his effort.

"Well," the man said slowly, a muffled sound sounding, "I suppose you wouldn't mind helping us take the old bastard down, aren't I right, League of Villains?"

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