Chapter 17

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1 Month Later


Midoriya turned towards the familiar voice of his blue-haired friend, rushing towards him, tense as always. Sure, he had slightly eased up, if you can call it that, after Uraraka's death, but his usual serious tone and posture stayed the same, much to Kyōfu's annoyance.

"Hey, Iida." Midoriya greeted politely as he smiled at the male. Iida cleared his throat and furrowed his brows slightly, as if disturbed, and Midoriya couldn't help but tense up by his usually calm friend's worry. "Is something wrong?" Iida immediately shook his head, before slowly stopping and slightly nodding as he spoke,

"Well...I must admit, I'm not sure." Iida stated as he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. Midoriya stared at his friend, confusion evident in his face as Iida once again let out a sigh and straightened, speaking. "I was wondering if you and Bakugo had some sort of a fight none of us knew about."

Him? And Bakugo? Simply saying, the two have barely interacted with each other ever since the battle, if you can call it that, ended. Sure, a few snaps and rude remarks here and there, some more intense than the other, but nothing Izuku and Midoriya weren't used to. So then, why was Iida acting so strange?

"No, we've barely been talking as a matter of fact." Midoriya stated firmly, shrugging as he continued searching Iida's eyes for the reason behind his sudden bluntness. Iida shifted on the spot uncomfortably, before glancing around the living room of the UA Height Alliance, as if checking to see if anyone was there, and speaking in a low tone as he slightly leaned forward, the voice unusual to Midoriya.

"It's just...I wasn't the only one to notice this, as a matter of fact, but...Bakugo's been acting strange. Especially when it comes to you." Midoriya quirked his eyebrow in confusion as he slightly nodded, signaling Iida to go on. "Well...And...He has been acting overly quiet when it comes to you, even our other classmates, almost as if something happened that made him calm his temper...By a noticeable lot." Midoriya frowned as he tired to recall Bakugo's behavior, and to his surprise, he noticed that Iida was right.

First off, Bakugo has been rarely coming out of his room, or rarely coming back to the dormitories during their week-long break after the battle. He had barely interacted with any of them, and Midoriya didn't mind, since the more time he had to think in silence, the better. Second, when school did start, Bakugo had been ignoring his presence. Sure, if Midoriya said something that annoyed him, he didn't hesitate to snap at him like he always had, but...Either than that, Bakugo has been oddly quiet.

"I honestly don't know why. We didn't talk outside of class, not even during lunch, and if we did, it was mostly him cursing at me like he usually does." Midoriya mumbled as he continued thinking about the possibilities for Bakugo's behavior. Not like he really cared if Bakugo was going through some teenage depression episode or puberty, he just felt curious and tired of thinking of ways to contact the league after the strange disappearance during battle.

"Alright...I see. I'm sorry for bothering you, Midoriya."

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell you if I figure something out, okay?" Midoriya assured as he smiled sweetly. Iida nodded in appreciation and turned around, walking towards the stairs and most likely heading to his room. Midoriya let out a sigh and taking off his slippers, glided his foot around him, gaining thermal energy from the friction. He straightened sense watched as small sparks of what seemed like green electricity sparked around his hand and his whole body, enjoying the temporary sensation. He missed using his quirk to actually fight people, especially after experiencing real battle first hand, and his quirk was almost begging for him to use it every now and then. Right now was one of those times, and he let out a content hum before sprinting towards the door of the dormitory, almost crashing into it if not for being used to the speed and being able to calculate when to stop. His quirk died down, all the energy he gained from the previous gliding gone, and put in his red shoes. He straightened, and just as he was about to open the door and head out for a jog, he felt a hand around his wrist and snapped his head towards the person holding him.

He frowned at Bakugo as Bakugo stared back at him with an unreadable expression.

"Huh?" Midoriya simply managed as he tensed up at the strange contact. Bakugo simply continued to stare at him, his brows slightly furrowing more as he seemed to scan Midoriya's face...But the look on his face was way too strange. It was wrong. Something was wrong, and Kyōfu was already fighting Izuku to go ahead and slam the boy into the wall, and ask him why the hell he was looking at him like that. Midoriya stayed quiet.

"Hey, Deku." Bakugo said monotonously, his grip around Midoriya's wrist tightening. Midoriya didn't reply as his eyes darkened, ready to attack if he did anything else. It was strange, the way he was looking at Midoriya. Midoriya didn't feel scared, he simply felt confused, and his confusion made him even angrier as he attempted to pull away from Bakugo's grasp. Suddenly, Bakugo's hand snapped towards Midoriya's other, and Midoriya, having fast reflexes, immediately put his hand away, away from Bakugo. What he didn't expect was the hand to explode his face, and Midoriya just barely hand enough time to cover it with his free hand, protecting his face as the explosion burned his hand painfully. Midoriya hissed in pain and annoyance, and just as he was about to yell at Bakugo, who had just grabbed his second wrist and was holding it dangerously tight, Bakugo let go of him and stepped back. Midoriya's mouth twitched in anger and confusion as he glared at the blond, and Bakugo simply stared at him for a few seconds, before spinning around on his heel and walking away.

Midoriya simply stated at him in disbelief, confused and somewhat terrified at what just happened.

Bakugo was definitely up to something...And whatever it was, Midoriya really didn't like it.


Midoriya lay sprawled on his bed, exhausted and uncomfortable. The burn was itching, and the second he touched it, even through bandages, it hurt. Sure, Midoriya was used to i ignoring pain, but this wasn't because of a battle, he didn't have adrenaline pumping in his veins making him ignore everything because of the pure excitement of battle and his quirk overflowing within him. What he felt was far from excitement.

It was confusion, and it only grew with each passing moment.

First, there was Bakugo; he grabbed him out of nowhere, burned him, and didn't even say anything. That was confusing as hell, and Midoriya couldn't help but wonder about it, worsening the pain every time he started to take invisible notes, trying to come up with an answer. He got none. And not only that, but his wrists also hurt and kind of itches strangely. Midoria didn't like it, and seeing as he was injured in one of the places it was itching and tickling, he grew aggravated because of it with every passing moment. But something was troubling him even more than the physical pain; it was the fact that Bakugo didn't say anything during the whole time they were there. And Midoriya didn't like to one bit.

If that wasn't bad enough, than the fact that the league still hasn't contacted him was really agitating to Kyōfu. The war was supposed to start by then, and it was bad enough that the plan failed severely when the heroes attacked first, but now...

Now he, as the leader, didn't know what the fuck or who the fuck was commanding and leading whatever the fuck was happening.

Basically, he knew nothing.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Midoriya couldn't help but groan as he sat up and forced himself to get his phone off his desk lazily, reading the contact info.


And that could only mean one thing...

Midoriya smirked as he pressed 'answer' to the call, and pressing the phone against his ear, mutely listened to the familiar hoarse voice on the other side as a smirk slowly made its way onto Kyōfu's face...

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