Chapter 12

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"How...How could this happen?"

Bakugo simply glared intently at the male before him, hands locked tightly before him as he rested his forearms on his knees and leaned on them for support. A typical position, and yet, his nails dug into his skin and his cheeks were already raw from biting. Not that anyone needed to know, though. Besides, no one would particularly care either.

Especially not Yagi, who was practically sweating from fear as he locked his own hands in front of him, leaning his face into them as his eyes stayed wide, unbelieving, shocked. Not wanting to believe. Of course he believed him, but that didn't mean he wanted to believe.

Bakugo didn't want to either. Some part of him wishes he didn't know.

He shook the thought away. That responsibility was on him now as well, and he wasn't about to pretend nothing happened.

"Where was the last time you'd seen him?" Yagi asked, voice anxious and tense, much unlike his usual cheery tone. Bakugo held back a sigh. He knew it was important for him, and yet, he couldn't help but feel annoyed. How was this going to help with anything?




"What was he doing there?" Bakugo didn't know how to respond to that. He was still considering whether or not he should tell Yagi about him actually willingly meeting them or not, but for now, he had to lie. And convincingly too. Yagi may not look like it, but those dark eyes could easily tell him and everyone else apart.

"I have no clue. I was just patrolling around the area and he was sitting there, on the swings." Bakugo paused. He had completely forgotten he missed out a very important detail. "Actually, there's something else you need to know." Yagi was immediately even more attentive, leaning forward a bit.

"He took over Midoriya's body. Izuku Midoriya's." Yagi's eyes widened, a small gasp escaping him.


"I don't know."

"How did you figure it out, though? Maybe it could've just been Midoriya acting a certain way to trick you, or-"

"That aura was different. Not only that, he spoke differently, acted differently, and his power had tripled. I met him before, a little over a year ago. He wasn't half as fast as he is now." Bakugo narrowed his eyes. "Besides, you of all people should know you could feel someone like him."

Yagi nodded. Of course he did. Both of them remembered it perfectly well.

"You're right. I'm sorry to have doubted you."

A weakness. As soon as he pushed too hard and realized he wasn't correct, Yagi retreated and his regret blinded him for a little. He wouldn't question things as much if Bakugo didn't start lying obviously.

"We talked. And then, I chased after him, but he got away. That's all I know. And now, he's out there." Bakugo spun his finger around in the air. Yagi nodded slowly, contemplating.

"I need to talk about this with Tsukauchi, the detective. Do you remember him?"

"What good is he gonna do?"

"He has access to All for One. The real one, I mean." Bakugo nodded slowly. More people involved, especially a detective, means that he may have to retell his lie more than once. He didn't like that thought. He had to make up his mind fast, or else it would be too late to change anything.

"I'm going home." Bakugo announced. He was tired, which was reasonable; it was two in the morning, and even though he didn't depend on his schedule anymore like he did in high school, he wasn't exactly the type to sacrifice his sleep if it meant having less than 5 hours of it in total.

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