Chapter 17

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"Why the fuck are you here?"

"That can't be a problem, Bakugo. After all, we're pals now, right?"

"You're my cane at max, crusty."

"Right, right." Shigaraki sipped Bakugo's water out of Bakugo's cup, and the blond felt like he was going to burst.

Kurogiri, that traitor, had let Shigaraki into Bakugo's apartment while Bakugo was patrolling (probably had managed to slip away when he realized the hero wasn't patrolling with anyone), and now, here that bastard was, in all his glory: standing on his fucking wooden clean floor in his dirty-ass shoes.

"Take off your fucking shoes, for fucks sake." Bakugo felt like he was going to have a heart attack if this man wouldn't stop pushing him any further than he already was. Especially when it came to his clean floor. No one gets to dirty his clean floor.

"Alright, since you asked so nicely." Shigaraki teased sarcastically, walking all the way from the kitchen to the corridor and taking off his shoes there. Bakugo glared at the dim stains left on the floor. He would've rather had those stains be Shigaraki's blood: at least that would've had a good reason behind the floor getting dirty.

"What are you planning on doing here, huh? Don't you have better things to do?" Bakugo snarled.

"Well, you see, I do actually have something to do. So do you. We need to find All for One, and yet, you don't seem to be doing that. Don't I have the right to investigate and be suspicious?"

"Goddammit Shigaraki, use that brain of yours for once. I'd rather die than put my career on the line for a task I would half-ass." Shigaraki watched him for a few seconds, and Bakugo felt his confidence seep in as he realized that Shigaraki didn't have a good reason to be here, and that he wasn't the one who was in the wrong.

Bakugo missed those times when he could feel like he was right whether he was wrong or not. It's too bad he had to convince himself that he was right even when he knew he was. He might have been a brat, but at least he had a way of standing up for himself, even if the therapist had said it wasn't healthy.

"Listen, Crusty. I'm tired as fuck, and you're on my nerves. Unless you have some valuable information that may get us somewhere, then I'm going to sleep."

"Seriously? Sleep?" Shigaraki glowered at the blond, who scowled back at him. "All for One is on the loose, Toga is missing, and you need your beauty-rest nonetheless, huh?"

"Shut the fuck up! Unlike you people, I actually have a job, one that requires energy at that, in order to get a paycheck. Not that you would understand: you take it out of other peoples' pockets!"

"Yeah, yeah. Poor little Bakugo—so exhausted, so tired, and even anxious at that, huh?" Bakugo felt his heart pound harder against his chest at the mention of the word. Quickly realizing where this was going, he opened his mouth to warn the villain to stop before he would say something that would piss him off, but the villain spoke faster. "Anxious little Bakugo. You really can't control yourself, can't you? You need some fucking medicine to keep yourself from exploding everything, don't you? What a child."

Bakugo's hands shook in rage. Or so he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure: his blood was boiling, body shaking, a glare on his face beyond menacing, and yet, at the same time, he felt an awful pain in his chest and a lump in his throat as his heart beat erratically.

He was about to snap at him and had already prepared to attack when the bell rang, and Bakugo snapped out of it almost as quickly as he became enraged. Shigaraki turned towards the door as well, eyes wide but still angry, before snapping his head towards him.

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