Chapter 29

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"Yes, he's my son." All for One smiled, and it looked dreamy, nostalgic. Bakugo felt sick.

"No he's not."

"But he is."

"He's not. You're a fucking..." Bakugo sputtered, pointing at him as if seeing the two hundred year old man once again.

"I know, I know. I'm two hundred years old, and that would mean I would be...I lost count, but something along the lines of one hundred eighty? However, that doesn't matter. What matters is this, and it's that he's my son."

"He can't be your son." Bakugo scoffed, and a furious scowl formed on his face. "Auntie Inko's not an idiot! She wouldn't fall in love with a fucking grandpa, charming or not!"

"That's why, I will explain how this came to be, since you're this interested." All for One gestured towards the throne once again, this time being more demanding. "I wish I could say the offer is still in place, but I think the truth holds more value than your quirk now. So, if you wish to know so bad..." Bakugo breathed heavily as he clenched his fists by his side, a storm brewing inside that he couldn't calm anymore.

"Fuck you! That's not true, you damn bastard!"

"I didn't always look the way I do in prison, you do realize that, right?" Bakugo went quiet at that, unsure what to say. What was that supposed to mean? "It only happened after the battle with All Might, and that happened after Izuku was born."

"Y-you...?" Bakugo pointed at him with a shaky finger. "No."

"But yes, Bakugo. You have to understand. I saw Inko, and I saw the same thing in her as I see in Izuku. A wonderful face, and those eyes, those beautiful eyes...You could say it was love at first sight. I was more than glad to spend more time with her than I had planned. And I'll be honest with you—if not for All Might and that battle, I would've never broken off with her. And then, Izuku would've inherited the villainy by birthright, instead of me having to go about this in such a roundabout way." All for One let out a sigh, throwing his head back. "I could've never pictured her with the smirk I saw in Izuku, but I knew something wonderful was blossoming when after those years I spent with her, she announced she was pregnant."

Bakugo was silent. What was there to say? He couldn't believe it, and rightfully so. Even as Togata called out to him, he couldn't snap out of his trance.

"Bakugo! Get out of there, please! Bakugo!" This was going too far. He was talking with All for One for too long, and the longer they talked, the more he seemed to manipulate him, somehow, in some way, and Togata felt worried. He knew that he had sided with the League, but he knew that he sure as hell didn't side with All for One. So what the hell was going on there?! "Bakugo!"

"Bakugo! Goddammit, quit talking to him, you idiot!" Togata's head snapped towards the door where Bakugo had previously come from, and he saw Todoroki, standing there, panting, an holder hero standing there beside him, equally as tired.

Bakugo's head snapped towards him, and his eyes widened in shock.

"I...Icy hot! Fucking shit, the fuck did you have me so stressed for, asshole?!" Bakugo snarled out loudly, turning around towards him with a furious scowl on his face. He was glad they were too far away to see his eyes water, but from the nervous smile Todoroki gave him, Bakugo knew that he knew.

"You better get your ass out of there, fucking idiot!" Todoroki yelled back at him, a grin on his face. Bakugo held back a sob as he shook on the spot.

"Goddammit..." Bakugo muttered to himself, voice on the verge of crying. He wished he could tell him what an asshole he was, how fucking stressed he had him. How fucking glad he was.

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