Chapter 1

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"He...He wrote that he wants you to take charge of the strategist and mission commanding while he's gone..."

"Simply put, the leader of the League."


Midoriya inhaled sharply and gasped for breath as he sat up in his bed. Sweat streaked from the side of his face and down his cheek as he continued to catch his breath.

It was Uraraka this time.

Ochako Uraraka had haunted his dreams ever since the day he killed her, but for some reason after the battle at Kamino Ward it worsened: and sometimes even combined with the nightmares of All for One and All Might dying during the battle instead of being sent to jail and losing One for All.

But her crying and confused face...

"Deku...Why...I thought you were my friend...I would've forgave you, I would've kept my mouth shut...Deku, we could've talked..."

The worst part was that the nightmare Uraraka...She was probably not even lying.

They could've talked. She would have understood and kept quiet. She could've helped him. She could've tried to give him out at some point in time, but he could've figure some way to threaten her into keeping quiet.


But she's dead now.

Because of Midoriya's selfishness and fear...

The police assumed that the killer was one of the Leagye of Villain's members, most likely one that used a knife, meaning the villain Spinner or Toga, and agreed to charge one of them with the murder of Uraraka once they were caught.

But who would've thought...

Midoriya felt nauseous. He felt that every morning, and sometimes actually ran to the bathroom to throw up.

He breathed deeply as he tried to calm down, and when he did closed his eyes and swung his feet onto the floor.

It'll be fine. It'll work out. I promised not to regret this...

That's right, the promise. He still kept it, and despite having killed Uraraka and the guy in the ally who's name he still didn't know, he forced himself not to regret it. He felt sad and sorry for both, but he didn't regret it.

He didn't regret it.

He. Did. Not.

Midoriya got ready for school, slowly letting those thoughts clear as he thought of how much Mr. Aizawa would sleep through class. What would they be doing today? All the normal thoughts any normal teen should have. He silently prayed he would be able to keep his thoughts that way for the rest of the day.

Midoriya walked out of the room and smiled at Tokoyami, walking into the elevator with him. They got to the first floor and both made their way to where they needed to go, Midoriya going to the kitchen to get himself some breakfast.

But he couldn't eat.

He felt like he was going to throw up, and he knew it was no use; the overwhelming amount of pressure of both lives on him was unbearable.

Dammit...Since when did I get so weak?

He put away the food and walked to the class early. He sat down at the desk and waited for another few hours, knowing what was to come after school...


School ended, and Midoriya realized just how much he was worrying. He was sweating, and even shaking a little. Iida noticed, but luckily Midoriya shrugged it off and said he was going to go lay down and see if it wore off. Iida seemed to understand and left him alone, letting Midoriya go up to his room by himself.

No Regrets || Lying Hero Deku AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora