
"Say it. Say it like you really like this dick."

"I like this dick!"

He jerked as he came, leaning down to her so they could lock themselves into a kiss.

"Let me take care of this and I'll be back," he told her, getting up and taking off the condom.

"Hurry," she purred, smiling at him.

Oh man, he had her hooked. She giggled. Was that why his name was Hook? He got all the women hooked with that great dick he had?

He strolled all his naked, fineness back to bed and got under the cover, and pulled her to him.

"Tell me, do this often?"


"Just, have sex with a guy you don't know."

She frowned at him.

"Do I look like the type?"

"Actually you don't. Not Ms. Goody Two Shoes in this fancy house and that ride and looking like you were looking last night," he admitted.

"And you, Mr. Hook? I just know you do this quite often. And yes, you do look like the type."

He grinned at her.

"Maybe," he admitted to her. He rubbed her back, staring at her as he licked his lips. "None was as amazing as you were last night Ms. Thang."

She blushed.

"I normally would feel embarrassed over something like this, but honestly..." she paused to gauge what she was feeling.  "I don't. I feel, refreshed. Like I ran a marathon, broke a sweat but that I could do it all over again."

"The way you were going at me last night...I think you put some mileage in."

"I was trying to break you."

"Baby, you can't break me," he kissed her.

She smiled at him.

"I don't know you at all."

"And you're nothing like I ever would be interested in."

"What are you trying to say? That I'm ugly or something?"

"No, no, no, the opposite. Baby, you're the finest ass woman I have ever been with," he stated.

She blushed again.

"Okay, stop! You're making me feel like a little high school girl giving it up her first time."

"Baby, that was not your first time, or second or third. Not the way you handled this D."

"It's very good," she said, kissing him. Then she pulled away. "But you know what? We should get to know each other. I mean, we're naked, and have done things most people don't do after months of dating."

"We're dating?"

"I mean...you know...like, I enjoyed last night, but what is this?"

"You tell me."

"I mean..."

What the hell was it? Sex with a stranger?  She could tell him thanks for the good times, tell him she had to get to work, put him out, get dressed, and go on with her day. She could not date a guy like Hook. She couldn't take him around her friends. Her parents would disown her. Her sister would think she had lost her mind and would commit her. Her life was messy as hell before him, it could get even messier with him.

"How about this," he said, kissing her hand. "You tell me something about yourself, I tell you something about myself. We just talk and get to know each other."

"Okay. You first."

"Okay, well, I'm twenty-seven," he said.


"What? Is that too old?"

"No! Just, younger than I thought. I mean, younger than me."

"How old are you?"

"Why do you have to ask that question? My age is not important."

"That old?  Well, you look good," he said, glancing all over her body.

"Stop it," she said with a laugh.  "I'm only thirty-two."

"That's not old, that's seasoned," he said, kissing her. "Now you tell me something."

"I just did. I told you about my age."

"Well, that hardly counts because I said my age first and you're just responding to my question."

"Okay, okay.  Ummm, I own my own business."

"Nice, we have that in common."

"You own your business?"

"The tow yard and shop, yes, is mine."

"Oh, okay."

"I may not make a lot of money like it seems you are, but I do okay."

This was nice, but she knew this was nowhere close to getting to the nitty-gritty of things.  There had to be more to this man and his story.

"Tell me something more...in-depth about you."

"I don't want to scare you off."

"I'm a big girl, just tell me," she replied.

He thought for a moment, then sat up in the bed. She sat up next to him. His face was serious, and she knew she was about to get something good.

"Born and raised in the Lou, north side, The Ville area. Went to Sumner...well whenever I'd did go to school. I was a badass."

She chuckled at that.

"When I was four years old, I watched my mother murder my father."

She gasped, her mouth flying open. She did not expect that.

"My father was abusive to my mom, and he had beaten her till she was black and blue. He was a gang banger so he kept plenty of guns in the house. My mom got fed up after this beating, she got one of his guns and shot him in the back of the head while I was watching cartoons in the same room."

"Oh wow."

"She tried to shoot me too," he told her. "I begged my mother not to and then she turned the gun on herself and pulled the trigger."

"Oh no! I am so sorry."

"I grew up with those memories of her. My aunt took me in and she raised me and she's my mom. We don't even talk about her but she haunts me sometimes."

"Sounds horrible for you to have to go through something like that at a young age.  And you are an only child?"

"Yeah. I have two cousins that are like my brother and sister. We are tight like that. So come on, tell me something about yourself."

"Well, I did not have any experiences like that.  My mother and father are still married and we grew up in Eureka, so not that far from here. I went to MICDS. I modeled some. Made good money, paid for my own way to college.  Went to Mizzou for undergrad, Webster University for my Master's. Oh, I have a little sister, Shay, we're in business together. We own an online fashion house."

"So, that's it, all roses and fairy tales."

She hunched her shoulders. She did not know this man. She did not know if she was ready to tell all. Then again, he told her some of his deep, dark pain, she owed him that much.

"Oh, and I'm married."

A/N:  Angel dropped that bomb on him! How do you think that will affect this little relationship they are building?

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