Out of This World-Peter Parker

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pairing: peter and male!reader
summary: college!peter is at a party and sees something shady happen to u, he intervenes ofc
genre: just pure effin fluff, lil comedy per usu
warnings: skeevy dude, alcohol, drugs, getting drugged, implied sexual theme, brief mention of anxiety, swearing
a/n: college peter is babey and no i do not take criticism

Loud, electronic music pumped through the house. People were dancing wildly, playing beer games, and hooking up behind closed doors. Parties weren't exactly your scene but you were here supporting your best friend. You still didn't know why she chose you to accompany her but it was probably to have a designated driver. At least she's cautious, I guess. You laugh at your thoughts before momentarily setting your drink down to adjust the cuffs of your dress shirt.

You pick your cup up and retreat back to one of the various corners of the house. You weren't into letting loose with alcohol and you quite frankly hated having attention on yourself so dancing was out of the picture. You didn't have a swimsuit and didn't want to swim in your current clothes which took the pool off your list as well. Apparently, as everything else in college was, the parties were overrated, too. You sigh, walking into the living room while searching for a place to sit. 

Luckily one of the sofas wasn't currently occupied by a couple making out and so you took a seat. Your peace only lasts for a few minutes as a black-haired male takes a seat next to you. "This seat's open right?" He asks with a laugh.

"Sure," You manage a small smile.

"Not a party person?" He deduces from your nervous behavior.

"Yeah," You say while letting out a deep breath. "Kinda makes me anxious," You admit, biting your lip.

"Ah," He tilts his head back and rests his arms on the back of the couch. "I used to be the same way."

You laugh, "Why don't I believe that?"

"Maybe I'm just that charming," He winks with a chuckle. "Or maybe it's the booze," He shrugs, flashing a lazy, crooked smile.

"Or you're a terrible liar," You cock your head to the side with an amused smile dancing upon your lips.

He nods, "That, too."

After awhile you learn that his name is Babe, which you thought was hilarious considering his personality, and that he actually was a nice guy. He loosened you up enough that you were downing shots with some frat guys you didn't even know. Your throat was on fire and your head was spinning but that seemed to make Babe like you even more. He helped you back to the couch before going to fetch you a drink.


Peter had agreed to come to a party mostly because of Ned and wanting to make sure nothing happened to him. Peter soon figured Ned was perfectly fine, though a little awkward. He started wandering around the party. That's when he watched some guy put something, that was definitely a drug, into a drink. Peter made sure to follow him to see what he was up to. He watched as the guy handed the drink to another male. 

"Hey!" He calls. "Don't drink that!"

You look up at someone shouting at you. "What?" You ask. Over the music you couldn't hear him clearly.

Peter walks closer, "Don't drink that." 

You furrow your brows, "Why not? Is it poisoned or something?" You snort. Drunk you definitely had an attitude. "My friend got it for me, what could be wrong with it?" You ignore the shouting man and gulp down the alcohol.

Peter winces as if he had just been shot. He supposed it was no use getting you to stop but that wouldn't stop him from keeping a close eye on you and your so called friend.

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