Friendly Competition- Peter Parker

2.1K 82 7

pairing: male!reader and peter parker
summary: "Suck my candy cane."
genre: fluff(?), more just lighthearted fun
requested: yes! for the 100k celebration
warnings: brief mentions of food, sexual innuendos, tony plays favorites, sam n buck make an appearance, i had no clue where i was going with this
a/n: i forgot about this prompt and well, this is gonna be interesting

You and your boyfriend decide to build gingerbread houses for the holiday season. Of course, you both also decide to make it a competition. Your hands and forearms are full of icing and so is Peter's hair and face -probably because he kept eating it. A few more miscellaneous gingerbread house related items stick to each of you like the decapitated gingerbread man's head stuck to Peter. These are all mere indications of how hard each of you went for this competition with... really no prize.

No prize or not that wouldn't stop either of you from sucking up to the judge, Tony, just to win and be able to rub it in the other's face. Tony walks by each of them slowly, more than a few times, seemingly examining them like science experiments. "Hm," Tony taps his chin. He doesn't even move his eyes as both of you jump in anticipation, foaming at the mouth like ravenous, sugar-hopped-up gingerbread dogs. And then, he says it, "I have to go with your boyfriend's, sorry Underoos."

"Aw, c'mon, Mr. Stark!"

"Sorry," Tony shrugs before giving you a fist pump.

"Haha, suck it!" You stick your tongue out at him.

Peter just crosses his arms over his chest and pouts. "Totally not fair," He mumbles. "Mr. Stark likes you better."

You laugh before walking over and putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. "So not true, Parker." You give his shoulder a little squeeze. You give him a kiss on the cheek and he stops pouting, now trying to hide his burning face. It was always funny to you how embarrassed he still got even after everyone knew you were together.


The evening has wound down and you find your boyfriend in the kitchen with none other than Sam and Bucky; what a perfect opportunity to gloat. "Hey Peter," You lean an arm on the counter. "How's it feel to know I built the superior gingerbread house?"

He slowly tilts his head up, eyes narrowed in at you. Then he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Oh, suck my candy cane."

You mock a gasp as both Sam and Bucky stare at him. "Boys," You gesture to Peter. "What you see here is a grade A loser,"

Sam shakes his head while Bucky listens intently.

"And for that, I think he deserves to be known as one."


Long story short, Sam and Bucky stick a big 'Dunce' hat on Peter, who cannot figure out how to take it off.

You sit across the room, enjoying a candy cane, "You know, Pete, this candy cane of yours is pretty good." You watch his confusion set in on his face before winking at him. Then he turns bright red before ignoring you, still trying -and failing- to pull off the damned hat.

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