Icy Cold Idiot- Druig

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pairing: gn!reader and druig
summary: "I was not built for this weather.", "Stop, your feet are cold!", Someone dared you to jump in the snow in your underwear and now I'm helping you warm up.
genre: fluff
requested: yes! for the 100k celebration
warnings: idiot activity, jumping in snow lmao, cuddles
a/n: oh my god i love this request so much, catch me writing for druig more once i'm done w/ requests ;)

Druig loves you very much, it's evident when he wants it to be. He loves everything about you, to name a few qualities: your spontaneity -while not always utilized at the best moments, you do keep things fresh and lively-, your tenacity -you are unbelievably driven to do just the most random things- (which always brings a smile to Druig's face), and your humor and humility which often go hand in hand -you are never afraid to be the butt of a joke to brighten someone's day. And Druig watches as you utilize all of these qualities.

Druig's family and your own (mainly consisting of family-like friends) have gathered in a cozy cabin for the season to spend quality time together before everyone's inevitable and usual depart. Games, cooking, relaxation, and conversation are alive throughout the dwelling with everyone participating besides -currently- Druig. He watches you from afar, his arms crossed over his chest, and a smug grin settled on his lips. He had been at your side earlier with you in his lap to get out of some card game Sprite wanted to play (even though he ends up helping you out a LOT because ancient card games am I right?)

Apparently, a few of your friends plus a few Eternals have decided on truth or dare when you and your friends hear that none of the Eternals have played it before! Druig watches on curiously -he would have to ask you to play later, one-on-one- as you roll your eyes at one of your friends before sighing, nodding, then pointing a finger at them. Druig's eyes widen as does everyone who's not playing when you start stripping but it doesn't stop there. The group playing follows behind you as does Druig, a few paces behind before you run outside.

Your arms are high in the air as your face contorts. Druig thinks that surely this is the last of it but you prove him wrong a few seconds later. You turn to face everyone with their head sticking out of the door, wave at them with a big smile, and then jump up before letting yourself fall backward into the snow. Man, humans are weird. Druig shakes his head as he continues watching you while most everyone has gone back to the table you were standing around.

He's amused even smirking as he watches you dash inside. You do so carelessly and run right into his chest. "Well, hello, darling." He rubs up and down your arms.

"Hello, dear," You smile with chattering teeth. "Let's get inside," You push past him.

Druig follows close behind you as you disappear into your shared room. He takes a seat on the bed as you strip out of your wet undergarments. He smiles as you slip on a pair of his boxers and one of his bigger shirts. 

"Okay, I'm freezing," You say before running and jumping onto the bed next to your boyfriend. You bury yourself under the covers and poke your face out to ask Druig, "Cuddle me?"

He shakes his head, chuckling. He doesn't answer but slips under the covers and wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close. He kisses your head before pressing your head to his chest. "I was not built for this weather and I don't think you were either," He grins softly.

"Clearly," You chuckle. 

Druig drinks in the beautiful features of your face before leaning in, his nose gently pressing against yours. Druig's warm hand is on your hip, his fingers brushing back and forth against your skin. You lean up and Druig leans down for your lips to meet in a sweet kiss. The moment is ruined for him when you rub your ice-cold foot against his calf. He pulls back, face contorting like yours had earlier. "Stop, your feet are cold!" 

"That's what you get for stealing my fuzzy socks!" You throw your head back in maniacal laughter before wrapping your arms around him tighter and soaking up his warmth. "Love you, Druig!"

Druig rolls his eyes before a smile spreads over his lips, "I love you, too."

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