Mend - Loki

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pairing: loki and gn!reader
summary: reader gets really sad, loki comes to comfort them, they plan a trip to asgard the next day
genre: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
requested: no.
warnings: a headache, being sad, lying in ur room by yourself, kisses
a/n: ope sum1 said smth to me today and then got me into a funk so this is basically a vent oop and um ig this is smth to tide y'all over while i finish requests and finish some other stuff that isn't reqs and that i really like (so watch out for another loki chapter about his time in the tva :)) also i would like to apologize to ppl waiting for requests i've just been having a chaotic time and i want u to know they will be finished even tho i promised them earlier, they are still being worked on ! the loki series coming out kinda helped revive my love for writing about my mcu babes so yay! n stay tuned ;)

Waking up with a pounding headache was bad but it isn't the worst. With a heavy body, you shamble down the stairs and into your kitchen. You throw back some ibuprofen with whatever you had to drink in your fridge at the moment before shambling back up the stairs. You plop back into bed, having woken up too early. Your body is still so heavy you swear you could sink right through your bed and possibly through the floor. 

After debating with yourself about what would make you feel best, you decide to take a bath. Just to sit in the water and let the steam travel through your airways, hopefully clearing whatever is making you feel so icky. You put on some soft bops at half volume and just let yourself be. Your mind wanders but mostly there's nothing, in particular, you're thinking about and your body relishes in the feel of the warm (borderline boiling) water. Soon your headache dissipates and as you move around the tub a bit, your body doesn't feel so heavy. 

You turn the music off, get out, stroll into your room, and dry off. You throw on some clothes and look at yourself in the mirror. Oof. You look tired, drained is more accurate but you felt fine. You could admit you always look a bit rough but today was a bit more so. Eh, who cares? You shake it off, grab your phone, and head downstairs yet again. You switch out some laundry and leave it to fold later, you're too tired now. 


The day had been fine, lazing about with nothing much to do but someone had to ruin it. Their words ringing through your ears, bouncing around in your brain, taunting you like some evil, little bridge troll. Why had they said that? I was fine and now... I'm not. You had been doing well with not letting little things like this bother you but something let it bother you immensely today. It got to the point where an intense sadness, anger, and emptiness made their home in your heart. 

You couldn't sit downstairs. You couldn't eat, you lost your appetite halfway through. You couldn't even go to the bathroom. So, you lay in bed despairing. Wrapping blankets around yourself in a poor attempt at protection. This sadness had burrowed deep. And now you were crying, you hadn't cried in so long like this. You cry as a baby does.

The crying stops and it feels like it falls short; you hadn't cried enough. These tears did not satisfy you, there were too few of them. They wet the corners of your eyes and one even manages to run down your nose but these are not enough. You needed tears that flowed like cascading waterfalls down your cheeks and stained your pillow and sheets with a distinct spot. But those tears did not come, only a few reoccurring tears wetting the corner of your eyes. 

You didn't feel justified in your sadness. Why had this comment sent you off? If you did cry more, would that justify the sadness, the emptiness, the hopelessness, the worthlessness? You didn't have an answer and you wouldn't soon find one. 

You swipe the few tears away with your blanket and close your eyes. Maybe sleep could redeem the day. A thud right outside your door interrupts this plan. You hear a knock on your door and before you can think to reply, Loki steps inside. Immediately he knows something is off, your room is dark, you're lying in bed on your stomach, and there are no background noises in earshot.

"Y/n?" He asks softly, taking a small step toward your bed. 

He knew you weren't sleeping and you knew that he knew so, that was off the table as an excuse. You really didn't want to give him an excuse but you didn't want to talk about it either.

"Y/n, dear, are you all right?" He stands right next to where your head lays on the bed.

You nod, "I'm just tired."

"Dear, don't lie to me." It's not angry in any sense or commanding or cold but firm. 

"I'm just sad, Loki."

This wrenches the heart of the god. His best friend, his partner in crime, his partner in love, his main support system (or support Midgardian as Thor had called you), his most precious and dearest human is sad and he wasn't there earlier to console you. He gestures to your bed, "May I?"

You nod, "Sure, whatever."

He didn't like that answer but bites his tongue and keeps it to himself. "Darling, what happened?" 

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? I feel stupid enough as it is." You sigh and turn your back toward him.

God, he hates this. If he could cast a spell to mend your seemingly broken heart, he would in a heartbeat. But he knows you and he knows you have to ride this out. He knows it won't last forever no matter how much you insist that it might. Even if he had to wait years for you, he would. His soul is intertwined with yours, separating you two would be catastrophic, and so, he would wait as long as it takes to be by your side. 

You think on your words and wonder why you're being so brash to him. He hadn't done anything. And surely, he didn't deserve the harshness you were dishing out to him. You keep your back to him but speak up the best you can, "I'm sorry, Loki."

He leans over, hands on your arm, "Darling, don't be sorry." He leans in and presses a kiss to your cheek. "You never need to apologize to me. My dear brother on the other hand..." He trails off trying to get a laugh out of you. It doesn't work as he had hoped but he sees the corner of your mouth turn upward. 

"Can you just hold me?" You turn to him as you ask. Your eyes are blurred with tears, one daring to fall down your cheek.

Loki swipes his thumb under your eyes, "Don't cry, my pet." He shifts to lay down before wrapping his arms tightly around you. He frees one of his hands to stroke your hair while pressing feathery-gentle kisses on your cheek and down your neck. Between each heavenly kiss, he whispers sweet, honeyed words into your ear. 


The two of you had fallen asleep, Loki's lips still pressed against your neck as you woke up. You giggle softly and gently push him away as you sit up. You rub your eyes, the corners of which had still been damp. This sadness wasn't over but Loki sure had scared it off for a while. 

That's what he is, a protector. His silly plots and outrageous ideas couldn't compare to his compassion and dedication to those he loves. And that's why you love him. He wouldn't dare lay a finger on you and god help anyone who tried to. He would never speak ill of you or about you or to you because in all honestly, there was nothing bad to say. If even there were, he would sew his lips shut before even thinking about saying something like that. To him, you are this heavenly creature bestowing love upon him. And he's just a lucky little boy.

Not even a minute later, slender but tone arms wrap around you. He rests his chin on your shoulder as he watches you do things on your phone. "What are you up to, darling?" He presses a kiss onto your cheek.

"Just responding to messages I missed yesterday," You turn and peck him on the lips before going back to your messages. 

"Shall I make you some tea?"

You nod, "Please." 

He kisses you once more as if you would disappear at any moment. 

"Thank you, love." You look up at him, beaming. A clear improvement from yesterday.

"Maybe I should stay here more often?" He quirks a brow as he looks down at you, specifically your angelic face. 

You nod, "Or we could always go together. You know I would love to visit Asgard." In a lower voice, you add, "And meet your mother."

Loki's the one beaming now, "Then it's settled, my dear. Tomorrow, we are off to Asgard."

You smile softly up at him, "Good." Loki hadn't realized just yet but he had succeeded in mending your broken heart.

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