Skiing- Pietro Maximoff

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pairing: gn!reader and pietro maximoff
summary: (i'm just putting what the prompts are for these) going skiing together, something i've never done before, and i fall on my face, but neither of us can help but laugh as you take care of my bleeding nose
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort but more comfort :)
requested: yes! for the 100k celebration
warnings: talk about blood, reader gets minor injuries, skiing, reader making interesting choices, the last paragraph
a/n: um i wholeheartedly believe that pietro, for no good reason, is great at both skiing and snowboarding lmao also i feel like he could have also very well been the one to crash land on his face

Pietro is miraculously skilled in a lot of things, you learn this through the years you spend together with him and as you grow closer when you start dating. So, you're not that surprised to learn he knows how to ski. After all, you're glad because you know next to nothing about it and Tony invited everyone up to some fancy ski resort. It sounded fun plus it was a chance to see Pietro out of his element or so you thought before you got there.

After getting settled in at the ski lodge, Pietro and you head out together to get geared up and try your hands at skiing. Before you can even finish getting ready, Pietro is riding down the mountain and skidding to a stop right in front of you as snow kicks up. He flashes that infamous smug grin of his, even shooting you a wink.

"I did not see that coming," You stare at him in awe for a moment before messing with your gear again. "Pietro, you know how to ski?" You look up at him, still fiddling with your gear.

"Before my parents passed, they took me and Wanda on trip. It was best trip of my life," His eyes crinkle as he smiles, reminiscing.

"Is Wanda any good?"

He shakes his head, "Nope." He then silently takes your hands and puts them at your side before fixing up your gear. "You could ask for help," He looks at you expectantly.

You roll your eyes. "Thank you, oh great Pietro, my lovely boyfriend." You wait for him to finish before standing and kissing him quickly. "Thank you, Piet."

"Want to start with bunny hill?"

"Nah," You shake your head. "I'm going all in, even if I die!"

He looks at you for a moment but continues, "Alright."

Your mind soon changes as you ride the ski lift but you're determined to be a skiing god and show up your boyfriend for no other reason than to be able to tease him about it.

"Are you ready, my love?" He asks just before the lift can reach its peak.

No. Oh my god, no. You nod at him, smiling a bit too wide as your hands shake. You look down below and your stomach drops. Oh my god, why didn't I start with the bunny hill? What's wrong with me?! You would have to ponder that question later because you watch Pietro and he's looking at you and he tries his best to hop off at the same time. He gets off before you just by a few seconds but you're too concentrated on not crashing into a tree or impaling yourself with your skis to notice.

You're off to a wobbly start but as you get farther down, you seem to get the hang of it. Pietro slows himself down, so he's just ahead of you and keeps looking back and offering a quick and encouraging thumbs up. You're about three fourths of the way down when instead of paying attention to yourself, you focus on Pietro for a bit longer than you should have. One of your skis hits something and you're sent flying forward, landing flat on your face. Even worse, is the fact that the ski that hit something managed to smack you in the face as well.

You sit near the bottom of the hill as skiers fly past when Pietro comes up to you. At first, he thinks you're crying which is an appropriate response but you lift your head to reveal a bloody nose and smile. The blood does worry him but he can't help but smile back. He bends down to pick you up and wrap your arm around his shoulders. "God, I can't believe I did that," You shake your head, laughing through your words.

"I cannot either, my love," He chuckles softly.  "I have to admit, Y/n, you look good even with blood splattered over your face."

"Why thank you, Pietro," You smile that beautiful and currently bloody smile at him.


The first thing you do as you get inside while still bleeding is 'mark' Pietro as you call it or just press a bloody kiss to his forehead. You then threaten Sam with one and he runs outside which is the only time he goes out there. The rest of the night is full of comfort, kisses, and cuddles.

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