Tony Stark DOES Have a Heart- Tony Stark

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pairing: gn!reader and tony stark
summary: You're the asshole of our group and we don't get along, but then I find out you make soup for the local shelter
genre: uh fluff ig
requested? yes, for the 100k celebration!
warnings: mentions food, reader is mean, tony is somehow less mean than reader, overall hostile yet endearing vibe
a/n: oh my god i've never written for tony solely so but this feels like a great way to start! also yeah, 2 posts in a day, let's get that bread

You are an Avenger, sure, but you always make it clear that Tony Stark, Ironman, is not your boss. You would rather get hit by the subway than admit that Tony has any power in any way over you. Everybody on the team including Stark himself knows very clearly your dislike for the man. He's always so arrogant, risky, and obnoxious, you think. And Tony very clearly even categorizes himself as the asshole on the team, no one can deny that.

So, you're more than surprised to see him at the soup kitchen you volunteer for on the regular. You eye him from across the room, him never noticing you, and you notice how strangely he looks in his element. He's laughing and smiling with each individual as he passes out food. Your brain is on overdrive as it tries to process what you're seeing... and you find yourself smiling. At him! You give yourself a slight smack, sure he's passing out food but that doesn't instantly negate everything he's done.

You make your way to the volunteer and employee area to get on your apron and hairnet, momentarily forgetting about Tony. You get sent over to where Tony is and clench your teeth in anticipation for what's to come. "I never knew that billionaire, philanthropist, playboys serve food at soup kitchens, especially during the holidays. Don't you have to blow up the Rockefeller Center tree or something?"

Tony's caught off guard but just smirks as he turns to look at you quickly before focusing on passing out food. "Thought I'd try my hand at being nice this Christmas and giving back for all the shitty things I've done, you?" He continues to serve people as do you.

"I do this every other weekend," You reply dryly. "What did you do now that imbued in you the need to do community service? Or is it mandatory?"

He would have pointed the ladle at you if there weren't people to serve. He just sighs, "I don't know. And no, it's not mandatory." Under his breath, he adds, "Asshole."

"Just surprised you'd get your hands dirty is all," You shrug before focusing solely on your work.


You find yourself, as per usual, staying longer than intended to help close and clean up as does Tony. You find it quite suspicious and keep your eye on him as you put chairs away amongst other things. He even goes out of his way to help you finish cleaning up. "Need help with that?" He asks, smirking down at you.

"No, thank you," You push his hand out of your way, flashing him a bitchy smile.

Now it's his turn to keep an eye on you. And he does, until you both finish and are heading out.

You drop your scarf and Tony picks it up before you can and even delicately wraps it around you. He shows off that infamous smile of his and waits expectantly for a quip from you. There's no quip and he frowns to himself as he gets the rest of his things on.

Tony holds the door open for you and waits expectantly for a thank you but gets nothing, again! He catches up to you, jogging at your side. "What's your deal?"

You shake your head and laugh. "I don't have a deal, Tony. I don't like you, you know that." You continue walking and talking, trying to get back to your car as fast as possible.

"Well yeah, that's a given," Tony shrugs. "But no thank you for holding the door open?"

"Nope," You pop the p and continue on. You're adamant to get home but it seems Tony is persistent, too. "You did a good thing today, Tony."

Tony's ice cold heart cracks at that and he nearly clutches his chest.

"I still don't like you though," You add just to be sure. "Well, this is me," You gesture toward your car. "See ya around." You wouldn't tell Tony or anyone but you were looking forward to seeing Tony here again and hopefully, he would come.

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