Cheating- Joaquin Torres

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pairing: joaquin and gn!reader
summary: joaquin's gf (now ex-gf) is cheating on him and u comfort him
genre: hurt/comfort type of thing basically, little angst, fluff
warnings: mentions cheating, mentions alcohol briefly, joaquin crying, mentions anxiety once, me writing spanish phrases (and not knowing spanish basically at all)
a/n: i have other joaquin fics in my drafts but ig this is the first one y'all get also PLEASE native/bilingual speakers plz tell me if the phrases seem awkward or forced because i want to include them but not at the cost of it sounding dumb! feel free to dm me w/ tips or smth

Sam, Bucky, and Joaquin had come over to hang out as they did many times before. Bucky couldn't exactly get drunk so he just watched Sam and Joaquin downstairs as you had retreated upstairs for the night. You had enjoyed hanging out with them but you needed a bit of a break and so, while they relaxed with alcohol, you went upstairs and relaxed with a movie. They were bound to join you and smother you in your bed anyway which you enjoyed every time. 

What you weren't expecting was Joaquin coming to your room looking like a kicked puppy. Sure, he was good at making that face but it never usually graced his features when he was drunk. He was a very happy-go-lucky drunk and you were grateful for that. "Primo (friend)," He drawls, stumbling into your room and taking a seat on the edge of your bed.

You sit up as the bed dips, "What's wrong, Joaquin? Are you okay?" You scoot so you're by his side while still sitting a bit behind him.

He grabs one of your hands (which is nothing new, drunk Joaquin loves to dance) and pulls you closer, making you sit right up next to him. "N/n, I have to ask you something..." He just looks so sad, you can't possibly think of what's upsetting him.

"Okay," You whisper and rest your head on his shoulder. Joaquin was a pretty touchy-feely person especially when drunk because anxiety didn't hold him back (as much.) And you knew it made him feel better plus you two had always rested your heads on one another on missions when nothing was available. 

"I think my girlfriend, mi vida (my life) is..." His voice somehow gets softer, "cheating on me." 

"Oh," The word is involuntary but what Joaquin just told you is so heartbreaking. Joaquin is the sweetest guy you know and even if he wasn't, he didn't deserve to be cheated on. "I'm sorry, Joaquin." You squeeze his hand. "What happened?"

He shakes his head a little before resting it against yours again and sighing. "I don't know for sure but..." He bites his lip. "Ella es el amor de mi vida (She's the love of my life)," It's his turn to squeeze your hand now and you start rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. "I really, really love her," He turns to look at your expression. 

"Well, maybe she isn't. You might just be overthinking things," Not even you believed your words but you had to give your best friend some sort of comfort. 

He laughs sadly before explaining said laughter, "I said that I thought she might be cheating but um, I have proof." He sighs before unlinking his fingers from yours and wrapping his arm around your back, somehow pulling you just a bit more closer. "What do I do, N/n?" 

"I-" You want to have an answer for him but you just.. don't. "I don't know, Joaquin. I wish I knew but all I can say is," You're reaching up with your index fingers just below his eye to wipe tears away. "Don't cry over someone who clearly doesn't deserve you." 

Joaquin grabs your wrist before you can wipe more tears away and leans his cheek into your palm. "Thank you, oh sabio (oh wise one)." 

You shake your head as giggles escape your lips. Joaquin always managed to make you smile even when he could do so himself.

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