Stubborn Pair- Stephen Strange

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pairing: stephen strange and male!reader
summary: reader is sick but refuses to accept it and also is just being a stubborn bonehead
genre: fluff
requested? yes.
warnings: reader is sick, swearing, wong is ur bestie (that's not a warning, that's a treat ;)), dumb but wholesome ending, zombie movie mention bc i am full of brainrot
a/n: can't believe i haven't written for him yet considering how much i love him and the dr strange movie!! it's such a pretty movie :)

Your sniffling could be heard from another dimension and it was obvious to Stephen and Wong you were sick, really sick. The two sit in the library studying when you walk in or more accurately trudge in, head down, and looking like a zombie. Both Stephen and Wong watch as you trudge across the library and take a book off the shelf then walk back. All of a sudden, you fall onto your knees but thankfully, the Cloak of Levitation is there to protect your knees from slamming into the floor.

Stephen and Wong rush to your side. Stephen rests a hand on your back, "Are you alright?"

You nod and try to push yourself off the ground but trip over your own feet and the cloak catches you again just before you can smack your head. At the same time,  Stephen reaches out instinctively, wrapping his arms around your torso. Stephen looks down at you, shaking his head.

"Y/n, you need to rest," Stephen chides softly.

"I'm fine," You retort.

"The cloak begs to differ," Wong side-eyes the cloak before looking back at you.

"I said, I'm fine!" You argue, pushing your way out of Stephen and the cloak's grip. You hold your book tightly to your side and push yourself off the ground. Defiantly, you walk off slower than before but are determined to reach your room, so no one will bother you. You stumble a few times and Stephen sends the cloak to -more or less- discreetly keep an eye on you in case you fall again. You shut yourself away in your room, wrapping yourself in a blanket, and delving into your book. 

"You should go check up on him," Wong pipes up from behind his book. "He doesn't look good. At all."

"I was thinking the same thing," Stephen smiles confidently before standing up from the table. "I'm making him tea, would you like some?"

Wong shakes his head and puts his hand up, "No, thank you."

Stephen nods at him before teleporting to the kitchen and brewing some tea. He then teleports into your room, tea kettle in one hand and two cups in the other. He teleports a tea table onto your floor and begins setting everything up. 

You slowly turn your attention to him and he just smirks at you. You make a face at him, "What are you doing?"

"I made tea," He says nonchalantly, pouring tea into each cup. "Care to take a seat?" He asks, gesturing for you to sit down. He knew you wouldn't let him help you willingly, so he had to go slow and invite you to help yourself.

"I guess," You sigh before wobbling over and sitting down across from him.

He holds back his smile as he watches you wobble like a penguin. You were just as stubborn as him if not more and he loved it. He watches as you lift your teacup up and sip with your pinky sticking out. This makes him smile and he covers it with his teacup. "How are you feeling?" 

You hum against the cup before looking up at him and shrugging, "Fine." You look down at the contents of the cup before taking another sip. "What the fuck is in this?"

Stephen calmly responds, "It's a blend, so it may not taste the best. There's ginger, chamomile, echinacea, hibiscus, and nettle along with some components from Wong's collection which include-"

"Ah!" You put up a finger, stopping him in his tracks. "I've heard enough. Thank you."

His eyes brighten and he almost smiles but takes a sip of his own tea first. "You're welcome," 

You roll your eyes but begin to fall over, and almost spill your tea. You catch yourself, gripping onto the table, and set your cup down. "Ugh, I feel like shit," You groan before crawling back to your bed. You slowly climb over the side but stop when you feel Stephen's hands on your sides. You look back at him and he's smirking.

"So, are you ready to admit defeat?" God, that smug look. If you weren't sick, you would have totally kicked his butt right now.

You sigh, "Yeah, I am but only on the condition that we get to cuddle." You wiggle your eyebrows at him before a cough rips through your throat and you fall face-first onto your bed. Stephen laughs and pushes you the rest of the way up before taking a seat next to you. He lays back and pulls you close wrapping an arm around. He flicks his fingers and summons a mountain of blankets which you really appreciate. You tuck your head under his arm and wrap your arms around his waist. "Second condition," You pipe up.

Stephen looks down at you, "And what would that be?"

"You're watching the zombie series that me and Wong saw,"

"Wong and I," He corrects.

"Oh, shut the fuck up," You playfully hit his chest.

"Fine," He sighs, "But only because you're sick."

You roll your eyes as you look at him, "Uh-huh."

"Shut up," He says before pressing a kiss to your forehead.


You're in the third movie of the series and Stephen seems to be really into it. You giggle as he gasps at the action on T.V. You send Wong a text, got him hooked on zomB adventures!! You roll your eyes as it says read and he doesn't bother to text anything back. Pfft, frickin' Wong. You turn back to Stephen and his eyes are glued to the T.V. which is pretty unusual given his preference for books and other physical media. You turn to watch the action and you know exactly what part of the series this is: where the best and most loveable side character Johnny D gets mercilessly thrown out of the safe zone and eaten by zombies. You cried for like a week after the first time you saw it and so did Wong.

You keep watching as the lost shot of Johnny alive passes and Stephen turns to you all teary-eyed (he was obviously trying not to cry, seeing as he was dealing with you) and he points a finger at you, "You evil, evil man!"

"I told you!" You shout back. "It's the most heartbreaking movie of the series! You coulda been there with me and Wong but no, you had 'more important' things to do."

He shakes his head and laughs, "You're ridiculous."

"No, I'm sick and Y/n," You wink at him before bursting into a flurry of coughs. "See...?"

He pats your back until you stop then starts rubbing circles across your back. "All right," He starts triumphantly, "We're watching the whole series right now, in one sitting!"

You raise a brow and look at him, "Really?" A grin spreads over your lips.

"Really." He nods.

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