As Long as You Keep me Warm- Peter Parker

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pairing: gn!reader and peter parker
summary: "Oh, you're so warm, don't ever let go of me."
genre: fluff :')
requested? yes! for the 100k celebration
warnings: mentions beverages, christmas oriented, touchy feely, friends to lovers trope bc i'm trash
a/n: such a cute prompt,, also ik u req for it to be male reader but i just couldn't really naturally incorporate it, so sorry about that!

It's just started snowing and the city of New York has been decorated for Christmas time! The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree stands proudly in Rockefeller Center as snow flutters down to adorn its branches. New Yorkers of all ages skate around joyously in Central Park and others watch on in curiosity. Shops are full of toys and the latest hot items for parents and partners alike to find the perfect gift. And you sit on a freezing bench, waiting for your best friend.

You're bundled up the best you can be with a hat, gloves, and an insulated jacket yet you still find yourself shivering. Whether it's the wind or snow, it all serves to turn your cheeks red and put your body in a frigid state. You rock back and forth as you rub your arms to gather some semblance of warmth. You're about to pull out your phone and text Peter but he comes up and sits next to you. "I hope you weren't waiting too long," He says softly.

"Not at all," You smile at him. "But I'm kind of freezing."

"Oh!" He jumps out of his seat. "There's a place not too far where we can get hot chocolate," He offers you his hand. You hold his gloved hand in yours as you walk side by side. "Did you want to do anything after we walk around? Or maybe just go back to my place?"

"If I'm still freezing, we can just go back and watch some Christmas movies or something.. if that's cool," You look up at him for approval.

"Yeah," He beams at you. "That sounds fun!" He then stops in his tracks, making you crash into his chest. "Here's the coffee shop!" He then turns and finally realizes you're crashed into him. "Oh my god, sorry!" He grips your shoulders and takes a moment to make sure you're okay.

"I'm fine," You wave him off, "just cold." 

He then pushes you in front of himself to usher you inside. He wraps his arm around your shoulders while you walk up to the counter and order your drinks. Peter practically drags you along with him around the cafe as he keeps an arm around you. You make small talk while waiting for your drinks and you relish in the warmth of not only being inside but having Peter attached to your hip.

You finally get your hot chocolates and head back outside to walk around the streets of New York and Central Park. Your beverage keeps your hands warm for the most part but you're still just cold. You keep quiet for as long as you can but as you're stopped in front of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, Peter's eyes the size of saucers as he looks up at the tree, you sigh and start hugging yourself. Peter looks over at you and pulls you into him.

"Oh my god, you're so warm, please don't ever let go of me," You slip out in one quick breath. You don't even realize you've said it, so you lean into Peter's chest with your eyes closed and a smile spreading over yours lips. 

Peter pulls you into more of a hug and rests his chin on your shoulder. "Uh, okay," He replies. 

"What?" Your eyes pop open and you meet his eye line. "Did I say that out loud?"

He nods, holding back a smile. "I guess you're really cold, huh?" 

Your face flushes bright red and without thinking, you bury your face in his chest. Peter finds his face growing hot, too but he just hugs you back. 

"I wouldn't mind keeping you warm.." Peter whispers, leaning his head down, "-forever." His last whisper gets lost in the whooshing of the wind.

You lift your head up just enough to see Peter's face. "Is this your way of asking me out?"

Another rush of blood floods Peter's face as he shyly admits, "Yes."

"Then I accept.. as long as you keep me warm," You shoot him a wink before burying yourself back into Peter's chest and his warmth. 

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