Please Kiss Me- Peter Parker

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pairing: peter parker and gn!reader
summary: peter drops u back off at ur house and u kiss, what more could u ask for?
genre: fluff, a bit of friends to lovers
requested? no.
warnings: swearing, kissing, playful teasing, not proofread thoroughly
a/n: i have had zero fucking motivation y'all i am so sorry so i've been going thru prompts n this is the first one so i hope this can satisfy y'all for a bit and i've got this REALLY long peter fic drafted and hopefully i can finish it soon and i do have one request left but i can't find any motivation/inspiration :(( also i had a power outage over here and that's the only thing that got me thru even finishing this lol but power is back on and hopefully so is my motivation! have a good day/night, y'all! i really appreciate all ur comments, messages, and just general support, thank you! 

The house pulses from the beat of the music and you can feel it pounding in your chest. You stumble through the huge house, bumping into someone everywhere you go. You're trying to find your friend, Peter Parker, who drove you and a few other people here. The floor starts shaking, the vibrations going up through your feet, coursing up your legs, and pooling in your stomach. You stumble over your own feet and someone catches you.

It's Peter! His hands hold your sides and he guides you to sit in his lap. "Woah, Y/n," He chuckles. "You okay?"

"Fine," You take a moment before standing, using the help of Peter as you hold his hand. "Thanks for that,"

He nods, "Of course."

You sigh before starting, "Anyway, I was looking for you and I don't know if you want to go but I do. If you could give me a ride, that'd be great, otherwise, I can just call a cab or something."

He watches you the whole time you speak and nods when you're finished. "Yeah, sure," He gets off the couch. "I just have to find my jacket, my keys are in there." 

You nod, "Let's go, then." You follow him through the crowd but almost lose him so, you grip the back of his shirt. 

Peter's not surprised when you grab ahold of his shirt, you did it often in big crowds. He smiles at the feeling and continues on until he reaches the closet by the front door. He turns to you, "Okay, give me a sec," He disappears into the closet momentarily before reappearing with his jacket on and keys in hand. He shakes his keys while smiling at you. "Let's go,"

"Right behind you," You follow him again out of the house and back to his car. "Sorry if I'm making you run around," Your head is down as you speak and your hand rests on top of the passenger side of the car.

"Nah," Peter waves you off. "It's no problem." 

"Okay," You reply softly and get in his car. As Peter settles in his seat and you buckle up, you add in the same soft voice, "Thank you."

"Of course!" He beams at you. He starts the car, turns on the heat, and puts on his playlist. 

"You know the way to my house?" You look at him.

"Yeah, I've got it memorized now."

You chuckle, "Is that cause Mj almost killed us last time?"

"Uh, yeah, actually," He chuckles, too. "Also, I've driven the route a thousand times."

"Oh, yeah," You reply quietly, averting your eyes from him. 

There's a few beats of silence -minus Peter's playlist- as you both think of what to say, especially after that awkward note. The moments aren't unbearable or anything but there is a bit of tension in the air no one wants to quite acknowledge. 

"So, uh," Peter starts as he taps his index finger on the steering wheel. "How'd your date with that M.I.T. guy go?" He looks at you cautiously.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you about that?" You look back at him. 

"Yep," He pops the p, shaking his head.

"Oh, shit!" You shift in your seat. "Well, it was going pretty well, I guess until we got to the museum, and well," You look at Peter as you make a face. "He started arguing with the tour guide."

Peter starts laughing, "Oh my god, really?"

You shove his arm, "It was NOT funny when I was there with him."

"Sorry, sorry!" Peter takes one hand off the wheel to raise it in defense. "That's just..." He shrugs, "awful."

"Yeah, it was. Long story short, I unfriended and unadded him on everything. God, that was so fucking embarrassing," You shake your head as your cheeks redden. 

Peter turns serious seeing you're genuinely embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," You wave him off.

"Maybe I could..." He hesitates. "We could go on a makeup date or something?" 

"Sure that sounds like fun!" You turn and beam at him. "But," You put up your index finger. "Not the same museum for the sake of my dignity." 

"Of course," He nods vigorously. "Wouldn't even think about it." He crosses his fingers and shows them to you. "Oh, looks like we're almost there," He turns to see your face. 

"That was fast," You mumble.

Peter parks in the cul de sac diagonal to your house and looks at you, eyes flickering up and down your whole body. "Hey," He meets your eyes. "Is it weird to think about someone a lot who you don't even like?"

You furrow your brows at him, "I have no clue what you're even trying to say." You shake your head with a chuckle, "Can you rephrase?"

"Well," He turns his whole upper body toward you. "Sometimes I think about this one person a lot, even like romantically but I don't think I like them like that but honestly I don't even know. I mean you know with Mj I couldn't tell because I just thought I was really passionate about our friendship but we dated and I did like her in that way-"

"Peter," You interrupt him, eyeing him seriously.

In one breath he replies, "Please, just kiss me already."

And so you do. You lean over into his seat, placing a hand on the side of his seat and another on the middle compartment between you two. You press your lips to his and little fireworks crackle over your lips and a tingle runs up each of your spines. Peter's eyes had widened at first not actually expecting you to kiss him but soon closed as he melted into the kiss. He places a hand on your side to keep you from falling and another on your cheek for a bit more control. 

You pull away just to catch your breath seeing as Peter would have gladly lost every particle of oxygen in his lungs to keep kissing you before resting your lips against his again. You take your hand off his seat to instead run your fingers through his curls and specifically to play with the curls that rested on top of his neck. Peter is absolutely enamored and his cheeks are burning up. His lips tremble when you pull away again and he has to run his fingertips over them to soak up that this is real. 

You settle back in your seat, licking your lips. "So, is that a real date or a friend date we're going on?" 

Peter looks at you almost forgetting you're there as he's in this trance. "Real date," He answers quickly, nodding his head. "Real date."

marvel oneshots| male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora