Gestures Pt. 2 aka No Matter What- Bruce Banner

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pairing: superpowered!ftm!reader and bruce banner
summary: after finding out you have powers, everyone is determined to help you figure out their cause. you spend some time with bruce and so does someone else possesing (more or less) your body. you and bruce finally tell each other how you feel <3
genre: angst (lil bit), fluff, filler (idk lotta background info kinda for reader's powers)
requested? yes.
warnings: lots of swimming/being underwater, swearing, internalized transphobia, cheesy ass ending lmao
a/n: the FATTEST, biggest apology to the person who requested this so long ago. i hope that maybe the length can make up for it? <3 sorry my like hyperfixations be changing a lot and i just had the biggest writer's block but still. anyway i hope all y'all enjoy!! also i just really got into the lore of this reader when i wrote most of this lol so i hope it's not too much and also i hope it actually makes sense. and another little note that I might make this into a series that i update every once in a while, i enjoy the reader character i've made for this along with sea spirit thing i came up with plus bruce is just one of my fav characters of all time :) anyway <3

Your head still isn't completely wrapped around your powers. You're thankful for Bruce in that regard because no matter what, he's by your side and researching in his free time. Turns out, there's a lot of information about rocks and jewels in the ocean but none that quite matches what went down with you. He even consults Thor and Captain Marvel and neither of them has heard about anything like it. Everyone's stumped and it doesn't serve to improve your mood about the situation.

You find yourself yearning to be by the ocean pretty often. So, you're often found at the docks, swinging your legs over the edge of it or at the beach, dipping your feet in the water, and drawing things in the sand. It usually helps to improve your mood and without these visits to the ocean, you find yourself drained. You use these little ventures to get Bruce out of the lab and to hang out with him one-on-one, too. It's also a great opportunity to show off the chest you've paid so much for and spent so much time striving to get.

You're lying on a beach towel next to Bruce who's leaning back, sitting on a lounge chair as he reads a science journal with an umbrella propped up by his side that keeps him in the shade. You turn on your side and look at Bruce for a second before speaking up, "What if I just dived into the ocean? I mean we're not finding answers anywhere else and it's not the worst idea," You shrug.

"What would there be to find?" Bruce sits up, turning to face you as he asks softly. "You said the jewel exploded, right?"

"Well, yeah but maybe there's something still there..?"

Bruce wants to agree because this could solve a lot of both of your problems but he can't have you putting yourself in danger. And there's no guarantee that this will result in anything. "Y/n, I don't know..." He looks into your eyes.

"Come on, Bruce! I can breathe underwater now, not to mention all the other powers. At least lemme go with the team! Some of them can swim, right?"

He sighs and shakes his head, "You're gonna do it either way, aren't you?"

You smile at him, "Don't worry, I'm having you by my side whether you like it or not." Bruce knows you mean business when you stand up still smiling and run into the waves of the ocean. You turn around smiling brighter than before as you walk backward into the ocean. You look at peace and at home.

It's great to see him like this, Bruce thinks. And rare nowadays. His smile grows wider as you wave him over and he quickly sets his magazine down to join you.


"You wanna go diving in the ocean?"

"Yes, actually," You cross your arms over your chest and smile at Tony, doing your best to annoy him. "Seeing as this is kinda mostly your fault, I think that you owe me this." You shrug, smirking as you turn to look at Bruce. "Besides, don't you think it'd be useful to know about.. whatever's happening or happened to me?" You quirk a brow as you look at him.

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