Opposites Attract-Bruce Banner

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pairing: high schooler! bruce banner and soft! jock! male! reader
summary: reader accidentally knocks into bruce and repays him in what they'll call a date only after it's done
genre: ALL FLUFF (like wow, how did me, king of angst, write this fluffy piece??)
warnings: not much tbh but swearing, anxious thoughts, mentions food ,, that's about it
a/n: (old a/n) high school au because i'm a sucker for it (new a/n) holy cuck this has been in the drafts for MONTHS idk why i only finished it just know considering bruce is like one of my all time faves ,, well hope u like it!!

Bruce was walking down the hallway with arms full of notebooks, textbooks, and binders filled with loose paper. A group of rowdy jocks blunders down the hallway while filling the hallway with hearty laughter. Bruce looks up to see you laughing along with your friends. You then bump into him, causing him to drop a few books. As you're pulled away by your friends, you turn your head and shout, "Sorry 'bout that, man!" 

Bruce's face turns crimson as he kneels to pick up his fallen books. That was the fourth time you had spoken to him but he definitely wasn't keeping track. The first time you spoke to him you had asked if he knew where your chemistry class was. The second and third times you had simply asked for a pencil. He wouldn't admit it but he had a huge crush on you, something about lovable meatheads made him weak in the knees. For a popular jock, you were extremely kind albeit stupid for example, you had accidentally spilled your drink on a girl's homework, so, you bought her flowers the next day and paid for her lunch for the next week.

Your kindness knew no bounds, neither did your stupidity but Bruce found it adorable. No doubt you were already planning a way to apologize to Bruce for simply bumping into him. 

"You're still in love with him, aren't you?" 

Bruce's head shoots up to meet Tony's smirk-adorned face. "Tony!" 

"What?" He rests his chin on his hand, "I'm not wrong, am I?"

Bruce shakes his head before returning Tony's gaze, "No," He whispers, defeated.

Tony's face lights up, "I knew it!" He plants a hand on Bruce's shoulder.

"I have to get to class, you know," Bruce mutters.

"Okay, okay," Tony puts his hands up in defense. "I'll see you at lunch, right?" 

Bruce nods, "Yes." 


Bruce goes about his day forgetting your earlier interaction as his head wraps itself around advanced math equations. He was waiting for Tony meanwhile occupying himself by finishing his math homework early. He looks up as a hand is placed on his shoulder.

"Hey man," You look down at him, "This seat taken?" You ask.

Bruce shakes his head, "No, go ahead."

You smile at his answer, "Great. I've been meaning to talk to you." You pull your hand off Bruce's shoulder and shove it into your pocket. "I'm really sorry about earlier," You start. 

Bruce leans in and nods before letting his pencil drop from between his fingers.

"I would have helped you pick up your books but my friends dragged me away," You chuckle at the thought.

Bruce watches your face intently, slowly falling deeper in love. He looks over each of your features, sure to take mental snapshots. 

"Anyway," you drawl. "What kind of flowers do you like?" 

"Heh," Bruce breathes out, "anything." 

"You got a favorite chocolate?" 

Bruce's brows furrow, flowers and chocolate? Bruce shakes his head, "No, not exactly."

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