A Very Mariah Carey Christmas- Stephen Strange

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pairing: gn!reader and stephen strange
summary: "Sweetie I love you so much, but I swear to god if you don't get out of the kitchen in the next ten seconds, this fork may end up in your eye.", "All I want for Christmas is you." "Don't quote Mariah Carey at me."
genre: fluff
requested? yes, for the 100k celebration!
warnings: mentions food, one joking threat, stephen being stephen, a musical number
a/n: stephen strange is a malewife (mostly when he wants to be but-) p.s. wong is also a malewife but you didn't hear that from me ;)

Stephen Strange is not one to mess around with holidays and especially the preparation for them. For most of his life, he skipped out on celebrating holidays besides attending snobby parties where the goal was to network rather than celebrate. But when the Avengers and then you come into his life, he finds a deep appreciation for the holidays. He even tries his hand at cooking and finds that he is excellent, if not a bit too particular about it.

So, it is a pretty grave mistake to enter the kitchen when he's cooking a Christmas meal for the whole Avengers team plus you, himself, and Wong (who only decides to come after hearing Stephen will be cooking). You accidentally bump into Stephen as he's carrying something which luckily doesn't spill but he shoots that I love you oh so much but for the love of everything get lost look. You don't heed his silent warning and even decide to sample some of his cooking. He shoos you away as you laugh at him.

You back off for a while before dragging poor Peter Parker into your shenanigans which is a really terrible idea because Peter is a master klutz. You drag the poor boy alongside you and ask him to try some of the desserts. He goes to pick up a tray to show Stephen, so he can ask what it is but he drops all of them, not before Wong can create a portal to save them as they drop back onto the tray.

Stephen gently takes the tray from Peter before setting it down and nicely shooing and pushing Peter out of the kitchen. Then he turns to you and points that infamous finger that's been pointed at you many times. "Light of my life," Both you and Wong squint and cower hearing that nickname, let's just say it's not a good sign. "I love you dearly and with my whole heart," He actually walks over to you to wrap you in a hug before pressing a kiss to your temple. Then he steps back and grips onto your shoulders, "But if you don't stay out of this kitchen, not only will a fork end up in your eye or hand, I will teleport you you know where." And with that, he sends you a smile and goes back to his cooking.

You look at Wong with wide eyes before scurrying out of there!


After dinner when everyone is settled and sitting around the fireplace, Stephen comes to cuddle up next to you. This is a bit out of the ordinary but you're sure he's feeling mushy from the holiday spirit, so you let it slide without a word. He pecks your cheek then works his way to your neck and you know something is up. "Okay, what do you want?" You turn to him.

"What?" He presses his hand to his chest dramatically.

You roll your eyes at him. "You are not into PDA, so..?"

"That doesn't mean I want anything," He protests.

A few of the team members look at each other, here they go again.

"I'm not stupid, Stephen. Just tell me what you want,"

And at that moment, the perfect idea comes to him. He gets that shit-eating grin and you know whatever's about to come is bad. "You know what I want?" He leans in.

You shoot back an unimpressed look, "What, Stephen?"

"All I want is you,"

Sounds of disappointment ring throughout the room. Everyone had been watching and everyone is over it immediately.

"Oh god," You face palm.

"All I want for Christmas is you," He adds, that stupid smirk ever present.

"Do not quote Mariah Carey at me!" You hold your finger up to him.

And if you thought it couldn't get worse, Stephen stands and tells the Alexa to play Mariah Carey's classic and starts singing along.

"Why and how are we married?" You shake your head, still cracking up at your madman of a husband as he clearly sings only to you even as everyone watches. What monster had you created? And why did you love this monster so damn much?

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