𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

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_6 hours later_

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_6 hours later_

"Kai~" Himi whined. Kai looked at her raising a brow. "We have been walking for over 6 hours let's rest~"

Kai looked up thinking and smiles."No."
*No ❤️*

"Himi is right Kai."Himiari said walking over to him."Let's take a break" Kai looked at her and sighed.

"Alright."He smiled."It's also getting late too so let's stay here for tonight." Himi looked at him twitching her eyes angrily.


"How's your wing-"

"AH! That hurts!"Kaito said angrily at Aubrie taking his wing away from her. Aubrie frowned as the others rolled their eyes.

Himiari sighed and got up."The fire is almost out. I'll look for more wood." Haru and Himi looked at Kai hitting his shoulders.


"Kai said he wants to help too."Himi smiled. Himiari blushes and her eyes lit up.

"T-Thank you Kai-Senpai! Let's go!" She smiled grabbing his hand. Kai blushes looking at his siblings mouthing 'Thanks guys'

Aoi giggles as Issy and Himi was playing with her. Haru was zoned out. As Aubrie finished helping Kaito he got up and sat next Haru.


"Don't talk to me," Haru said turning away from him. "Asshole."

Kaito got up angrily "Who are you talking an Assho-Ow!" Kaito hissed holding his wing and sat back down.

"Kaito!"Aubrie shouted."Idiot! I said stay down!" Aubrie said hitting the back of his head. Kaito looked at Haru who looked like he didn't care, looking away.

Aoi started crying loudly. "Why is she crying?"Haru asked. Issy picked her up and froze.

"Who wants to change her?"

They all looked at each other nervously. "U-Uhhhh..." Aubrie sighed using her powers to make a diaper and cloth,



"Thank you senpai for helping me!"Himiari smiled holding some wood. Kai frowned.

"H-Himiari please just call me Kai...." he said blushing. Himiari looked at him.

"Why? What's wrong with me calling you senpai-" Kai grabbed Himiari by the shoulders making her drop the wood and push her on the wall.

"Don't call me senpai. "He said blushing madly. "I-It makes me flushed you, Idiot." Himiari looked at him into his eyes. Even though it was dark she can still see his eyes and his blush. Kai moved away and sat on a log.

Himiari followed and sat next to him. "What's wrong with us. If we don't work together we will just die out here." Kai said looking away.

"We are not going to die, "Himiari told him. "We will make it one way or another." Kai nodded smiling.

"Yeah. You are right." Kai smiles at her leaning closer to her face."You are always right...always know what to do...you never give up." Himiari started blushing as Kai got on top of her.

"Senpai-Kai...what are you," Himiari said as Kai put his hands on hers as he is on top of her. Kai started rubbing her cheek.

"Beautiful. "Himiari eyes widened. " There are so many things I can say about you but I don't know how to say it..." He leaned close her about to kiss her lips." I love-"

"Guys there you are!"Haru shouted. "The fire is almost out hurry up!" Himiari gasped running to get the wood on the ground and ran to the camp area.


Kai glared Haru. Haru looked at him confused ."What?" Kai slapped the back of his head.

"Idiot I was so close!" Kai glared at him."I was going to tell her I love her."Kai said walking away. Haru looked confused before gasping.

"Damn it." Haru whispered." My ship is so close..."

As they walked back Issy was holding Aoi sleeping with her. Himi was sitting on a log looking at Issy in gaze blushing.

"Simp, "Kaito smirked proudly at her. Himi blushes.

"Y-You are the one dating my brother!"Himi glared at him. Kaito chuckled and shrugged.

"He's still mad at me. But you are right I'm also a simp" He laughed."But I hope we talk it out. I miss holding him in my arms...kissing him...playing with his green hair with his cute highlights...and telling him I love him." He smiled blushing a little.

"Gross, "Himi said rolling her eyes. Kaito glared at her and sighed. What they didn't know was that Haru was behind him listening to the whole thing. He smiled but shook his head trying to forget the thought.

For that night they all slept but Issy couldn't sleep. She started playing with Aoi brown hair and smile. "Must be nice to still be a baby."

"Disgraceful." Issy's eyes widened as she heard her father's voice. She turned to see him holding Himi by the neck.

"D-Dad!" Issy said quickly sitting up. He glared at her.

"You had one job."She turned to see her uncle Mason. Her eyes widened as she saw all of her friends covered in their blood. She turned to see Aoi in Sakura's arms.

"I-Issy...help me..."Himi begged to try to speak as Philip held her by the neck. Issy fell on her knees.

"Dad I'm begging you don't hurt-" she got interrupted by him snapping her neck. Tears fell down her face."HIMI NO!" She looked down to see that she was covered in blood.

"You will always be my daughter. A murder."He laughed. Issy cried.

"No...I don't want to be like you!"

She gasped walking up from her dream. She turned to see everyone still fine. She sighed. She gasped as she fell Himi hand on her wrist.

"Issy? Are you okay-"Issy quickly hugged her crying.

"I'm so sorry..." She cried. Himi hugged her back.

"It's okay...It's okay..."Himi said playing with her hair. Aoi whimpered so Issy picked her up and rocked her to sleep. Himi and Issy fell asleep in each others arms with Aoi in the middle smiling.

Couple goals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

my 🖐 name 👄 is 👀 not ❌ five 5️⃣ weenies 🌭 i 🔥 am 😎 shoto ❄️from 🤩 UA 🏫 and 👈 i 🥵 wanna 🙏 be 💫 a 🤗 hero 🦸‍♂️

I love all y'all
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ💗💓💞💕💝💘💖

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