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Lyzender groaned as he scrambled on to his legs, his head held between his arms.


Why in the world did he drink that much last night?

He racked his brains, trying to memorize what happened in the previous night. He and Zena were spying on Ethan and Isla. They had another fake date and then... Oh yeah. Everything was going well until that bastard, Danny nanny called Zena. And that is when he got drunk.
Lyzender tried hard to remember what happened afterwards but it was useless.

Damn! He really wished that he didn't do something stupid in front of her.

He groaned again and shuffled out of his room in to the living room.

Jake and Max were seated on the couch, close to each other, bickering and chuckling and murmuring like two teenage girls. Ethan sat next to them, texting Isla with a goofy smile on his face. Apparently, their date had went really well. Blaze, as usual was engrossed in his cell, in a corner.

As Lyzender entered the room with messy hair, Jake and Max shared a look. Max winked and Jake grinned. It was obvious that something was going on with the two.

The duo watched with amusement as Lyzender blindly searched for something. Cushions and pillows went flying over his head.

"Hey!" Max yelled, annoyed as a cushion hit him on the face. "I get it that you are so deep fallen, lover boy but it doesn't mean that you can try to ruin this handsome face." Jake snickered at his friend's arrogance, earning himself a glare.

Lyzender let out a victorious shout as he finally found what he was searching for.

"Got it!" He yelled, waving a a strip of two panadols in the air. Jake, Max and Ethan burst in to laughter as Lyzender quickly grabbed a bottle of water and swallowed the two tablets. He heaved a sigh of relief and fell back on to the couch, beside Max who had a huge smirk on his face.

"Sooo... Tell us dude. What happened yesterday? How did you end up drunk?" Jake asked.

Lyzender went rigid. "Tell me, tell me, what you know." He urged.

"Not much. Queenie called me yesterday night and told me that she was stuck with a very drunken you. Blaze found her, walking out of our apartment after dragging you in."

Lyzender groaned and rubbed a hand over his face.
"I screwed up, didn't I?" He mumbled and Max gave him a sympathetic pat on the back.
"I just hope that I didn't tell anything stupid in front of her."

"Well, a guy can only wish." Max and Jake said in unison, making Lyzender glare at the two.

"By the way dude, did you complete your mission?" Jake asked after a few seconds. "You know that thing with a shy couple...?"

"Shit! I totally forgot it." Lyzender said with a frustrated sigh.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ethan yelled but was paid no heed.

"No worries, bro." Jake said, shooting Max a smirk over Lyzender's head. "We have something much more amusing than those two's awkward date."

"Yeah." Max said, getting up and making his way toward the television. He switched it on and pulled out a small flash drive from his trouser pocket and connected it to the TV. "We have got something much more hilarious as well as so romantic."

Lyzender looked up at Max with a puzzled expression. But that look soon turned in to a look of pure shock as the video played on the screen.

The beautiful dark haired girl who was non other than the famous Queen was hiding behind a thick bush. Beside her was none other than Lyzender Dunbar aka the bad boy of Rosewood.

The Queen of Hilltop High ✔︎Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin