Ninja Princess

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The laughing boys didn't even get a chance to react before we attacked.

Giving out a war cry, we started throwing wet soil clods at the startled boys. One hit Lyzender right on his face and I mentally did a happy dance.
"Hey, what are you.." Henry started but let out a shriek as a clod hit his face and I guess that some soil got in his mouth since he started spitting like anything.
Mia emptied the half finished lemonade on Jake's head and Emma was strangling Max.

Oops. Better stop her before she ends up, murdering him.

Second thoughts, Nah. Let the girl have some fun.

Lily was beating the crap out of a horrified Edward. She kept hitting him right on the head with her book.

Isla attacked Ethan with the remaining foods and I just caught sight of her propping a dark brown cookie in his mouth. Let me tell you one thing. It tastes like hell.
Mia then pulled out her water guns. Wait! Did she bring her water guns too? Seriously?

I threw clods of earth at Blaze and finally stopped, satisfied with myself when he was like a mud monster.
I flung an empty bottle at Lyzender and it hit him right on his head. He threw me a murderous glare but before he could say anything, I gave out a red Indian war cry and tackled him on to the ground. I rubbed some mud on his face and even grabbed a handful of wet grass, ready to plop them in to his mouth. But I didn't get the chance as he rolled over so that he was on the top. Lyzender smirked at my horrified face as he rubbed his muddy hand on my face. I let out a shriek and struggled but it was no use. Lyzender stared at my muddy face for a few seconds before bursting in to laughter. I joined him as his face was no better than mine. He finally rolled off me and I raised myself in to a sitting position, still laughing.

I secretly glanced at Lyzender who lay beside me, laughing.
I had never seen him laugh like that before. He really looked so handsome.

Nope, I didn't say that, did I?
Just forget about it.

I kept staring at him, awestruck.

"Nnn... Nnii....njaaaa." He croaked out in between his laughter and that brought me out of my awestruck state.

So, he was mocking me, wasn't he?

I threw him a scowl before slapping his arm. But then I burst in to laughter again.


"Sorry but no sorry, girls." Henry said with a shrug. "Edward and I need to get home as fast as we could. So, we are taking one bike."

We all had cleaned ourselves as well as the place after our little war and were ready to go back home.
Henry and Edward took one bike, Emma and Lily took one. Emma said that she would drop Lily. Ethan and Jake took one and Blaze and Max got the other. Mia and Isla took one so there was only one bike remaining.



There was no hope in riding with Mia and Isla so it was final.

"Good bye everyone!" Henry and Edward chanted before they rode off.
All the others got on to the bikes, except me.

"Come on Zena. Hurry." Isla urged but I could say that she was trying to hide her laughter. Mia threw me a wink and Emma smirked. I'm gonna kill them.

"Hurry up, Ninja!' Max smirked. I was about to fling my fist on to his face but he rode off at top speed, leaving Blaze's yells for him to slow down, echoing behind them.

I sighed and climbed on to my bike, behind Lyzender. Ethan rode off, passing us and Jake whistled at me. I made a dead gesture at him.

As the two bike with the girls also left, Lyzender started the engine.
"Hold tight." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and kept my hands crossed in front of my chest.

Did he seriously think that I was afraid of..... Oh my god!

My hands involuntarily wrapped around him as he took off at top speed and my face pressed against his back, a strange warmth spreading all through me.
After several seconds, I relaxed myself and pulled my arms off his waist but kept them on his shoulders, not wanting to fall off.

After some seconds he slowed down and stopped the bike.

"What is it?" I asked, pulling off my hands and wrapping them around myself.

Lyzender got off the bike and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"I.. I c..can't remember which path to take at this junction." He confessed, making me want to bang my head against a wall. I glared at him, crossing my arms.

"I will ask call Ethan and ask him. You just wait here." I scowled but nodded, shivering because of the chilly wind.

Thank you Henry. It was great of you, wetting my jacket.

Lyzender suddenly noticed me shivering. He at once removed his jacket and handed it to me. I gave him a shocked look.
He motioned at me to take it which I did.

I wondered where the ordinary Lyzender Dunbar was as I put on his jacket. Instantly, I felt a comfortable warmth. His intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. I was far lost in my thoughts when Lyzender returned.

"The right path." He said. "Come on."

The remaining distance was travelled in silence. When we finally drove in to the yard of our apartments, I got off the bike a second after Lyzender.
He threw me the kings before walking towards his apartment. Laughter of the guys were heard inside.
I watched him for a few seconds before turning around and climbing the steps that lead to my apartment. I was almost at the door when I heard his voice.

"Good night, ninja princess."

I swung around but he had already gone inside and closed the door.

I sighed as I turned the knob to open our door. Even before I could push it, it was pulled inwards along with me and the door was soundly shut behind me.

I glared at the excited faces of Mia and Isla.

"Tell us about him. What happened? Spit it, girl." Mia said at the same time Isla said, "Did you kiss? Oh, did you ? Did you?"

"Are you insane?" I demanded. "Nothing happened Mia. He and I just rode here and No, Isla. He didn't kiss me. Why should he?"

Mia and Isla groaned in disappointment. They flung themselves on the couch, looking down casted as ever. I rolled my eyes at them as I pulled off my shoes. I pulled Lyzender's jacket tighter around me, walking toward the bedroom.

"OMG!" Mia shrieked, jumping on to her feet. "It's his jacket!" Isla exclaimed, jumping as well.

Both of them flung themselves on me, showering me with questions about Lyzender's jacket. I finally calmed down the two over excited girls and explained them about the jacket.

"It's so romantic!" Mia sighed dreamily. Isla nodded.

I gave them an 'are you mad' look before entering the bedroom, shaking my head at my friends' stupidity.

I guess, the bad impact of the Romeo Juliet novel was not just on Mia but also on Isla.

I pulled off Lyzender's jacket and felt the corners of my lips tug upwards as I stared at it for a few seconds.


Do I have to return it?

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