Bad Girl Feeling or Nerd Girl Feeling

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"Morning guys." I said as I entered the kitchen. A lovely smell of bacon hit me and I sniffed it, feeling my mouth water.
"Morning Zena!" Isla and Mia chorused.
Isla, who was frying bacon, grinned at me and handed me a plate of fried bacon.
I smiled and sat beside Mia, who had her head buried in her cellphone.
"I have already got three hundred eighty two likes for that video!" Mia squealed in delight.
"Oh, eighty three!"

I chuckled as I remembered yesterday incident. That idiot did thought that I was going to shoot him. Well, that was fun!

I propped a piece of bacon in to my mouth and offered to help Isla but she declined, being the mothery self.

In several minutes we finished our breakfast and started to get ready for school. I put on a pair of black denim trousers and a pink sleeveless top. I pulled on a pair if high heeled black boots and my shiny black jacket.
I flipped back my hair as I gazed at the reflection in the mirror, deciding to have my hair loose.

"I don't feel like to have a boring car ride on such a glorious day."I said as I stepped out with my bag hanging from my left shoulder, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"So, what do you have in that head of yours?" Mia asked,arching an eyebrow.
I threw her a wink and pulled out my cellphone and quickly dialed Henry's phone number.
He picked up in the third ring as usual.

"What's up, Cinderella?"

"Yo, man! I want three motor bikes!"


"Yoo Hoo!" I shrieked in joy as I felt the cold breeze hit my face.
"This us what u call fun!"

I glanced at the side mirror if my bike and notices that Henry was right behind me. I smirked and sped up, no way I was gonna loose this race.

After my phone call Henry and Edward appeared at our apartment with five bikes. They were riding two and somehow had managed to pull along the other three behind. So, here we were , racing to the school.

I guided my beautiful bike through the roads and grinned in satisfaction when people jumped aside when I passed through them. Henry and Mia were right behind me, so I didn't dare to slow down. Actually, I was enjoying myself a lot. I was feeling the bad girl feeling and it felt so great.

Finally, I pulled in to the school car park and stopped my bike under the shade of a tree. I heard students gasping and whispering and exclaiming.
As soon as I had stopped my bike, Henry's bike pulled in with a loud roar, followed by Mia, Edward and Isla.

I practically jumped off my motor bike, pulled off the keys and shoved them in to the back pocket of my trousers .
I pulled away my black helmet and shook my head, freeing my hair that I had tied in to a loose bun.
I placed the helmet on the bike seat and turned to my badass team.
Isla got off her bike, grinning from ear to ear. She was wearing a black shiny jacket that was similar to mine, over her polka dot dress that reached her knees.
Mia, who was also wearing a jacket of the same type, gave me a fist bump.

"Wow, you were pretty fast." Henry said , unbuckling his helmet. He and Edward also wore black jackets. If you haven't guessed, it's kinda like a common symbol or something of our team.

I laughed, running a hand through my dark brown waves that had got a little messy from the ride.
"You can say that, Blondie." I said. "Alex never taught me to go slow."
I looked around and saw many girls swooning over Henry and Edward. I frowned at them. Not that I can blame them , though.
Henry and Edward are quite good looking.

"Zena!" I heard Emma's voice and at once, turned on my heels. Emma was propped against her bike .
She waved at us as they made their way toward us.

"You look pretty cool." Emma commented.
"Thanks, girl. You two look hot!"
I said. "Anyway, where's our little bad ass nerd?"
"In class , I bet. We'd better join her." Emma said. "By the way, why the sudden change in to bikes?"

I shrugged. "I wanted to get the bad girl feeling, I guess."
Emma chuckled. "After you, my Queen ." she said, mockingly.
I rolled my eyes and started to walk toward the school building, my bad ass team following.

"So, did you guys see the video?" Mia asked in excitement.

"Of course we did." Henry said."Edward showed me it last night and let me tell you one thing girls, you were pretty awesome."

"Yeah, it's kinda the most famous video at the moment." Emma said. "It was hilarious, Zena! That revolver of yours is worth thousands of dollars!"

"If only I was there." Edward said with a sigh. "It looked so realistic with Isla screaming her head off with those wide eyes and Zena threatening that jerk with that cold expression on her face!"

We all burst in to laughter. We were walking through the corridor and the students at once parted, letting us move through them.

"What do we have first?" I asked in a bored tone.
"You, Lily, Mia and I have English with Mrs.Johnson ." Isla said.
"We have Psychology." Emma said, wrinkling her nose.

"Let's meet at the stadium at the break." I said. "I so wanna have a game."
We all agreed with her and split, going to our respective classes.

Bye bye bad girl feeling.
Hello, boring classes.


I lazily flipped through my copy of the Romeo Juliet book. Aw , Come on! I knew it by heart.
Mia had a fit of romance, months ago and went through all kind of love stories she found. She got drowned in the play Romeo Juliet and kept saying it's quotations all the time that I got to know it by heart. Hell, she even said those quotation in sleep.

I stifled a yawn and finally placed my head on the table, shutting my eyes, closed. Mrs. Johnson kept on rambling about the themes of the play and suddenly she asked a question, raising her voice.

"Ms. Adams, would you mind sharing your idea about the theme of this play?"

Ms. Adams. Wait! It's me!
I jerked myself upright and found our teacher smirking at me.

"Should I repeat the question?" She asked in a mocking tone. "I was asking...."

"Yeah , you were asking about the themes of the story Romeo Juliet." I said , cutting her off.
"The main theme in this play is live. True love. Shakespeare has shown the undying and true love between a young pair through the characters of Romeo and Juliet. He has emphasized the theme of love that build up in young Romeo and Juliet's hearts from the first sight."

I stopped to catch my breath and was rewarded by the sight if a very shocked Mrs. Johnson watching me with a hanging jaw. I so much wanted to tell her to shut it up before she catch flies.
I heard Isla's and Mia's muffled laughter behind me.

Mrs. Johnson seemed to be struggling with her words and then thankfully the bell rang.
I gathered my books, threw a wink at an astonished Mrs. Johnson and walked out of the class.

Mia, Lily and Isla soon caught up with me, chuckling.
"That was cool!" Mia said. "I bet old Mrs. Johnson had never guessed you would answer her questions."

"She probably asked it to catch you off guard." Isla said, grinning. "But it was her who was caught off guard!"
We all chuckled with her as we approached our lockers.

"So what kind of feeling have you got now?" Mia asked, arching an eyebrow. "A bad girl feeling or a nerd girl feeling?"

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