Old Enemies

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I woke up with a jump at the loud scream.

" Mia!"
I panicked. That scream was terrible and panicked and I knew that something was wrong with her.

I jumped down from my bed and raced downstairs, panicked by the thoughts of someone murdering Mia.

I tore through the living room and fled in to the kitchen. I grabbed a rolling pin and raised it high, with the aim of killing the bastard who ever had tried to hurt my friend.

"Zena....!" Mia wailed.

" What is it, Mia? " I asked, worried. She turned around and held up a pan.

" I was trying to cook you a fluffy pancake but it got all burnt!" She cried.

I dropped the rolling pin. " That's it?" I demanded. "I thought someone was murdering you!"

" No one would dare to kill a donkey." said Isla entering the kitchen. "What's the use?"

I smirked and Mia waved her pan at Isla in a threatening way. "Better mind your tongue, Missy." she said.

Isla stuck out her tongue and Mia playfully growled at her. I pushed them apart and made my way through them.

It was a Saturday, so there was no school. I opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk and an apple. "What are you doing?" Asked Isla. "Ummm.. Breakfast." I said. She sighed and grabbed them from me. " I will give you a proper breakfast. " she said.
"You need to be strong today."

" Why is that?" I asked,arching an eyebrow.

Isla grinned, her eyes shining with excitement.
"We are gonna play basketball, sweetie!"

I so much missed this place!

I said to myself as we entered the stadium in our city. We were used to come here in the weekends and play basketball. Me , Isla, Mia, Henry and Emma were literally into it. Actually, basketball was a part if me.

"Emma messaged me saying that she and Lily are already here." Mia said. I smiled. The five of us were going to have a game. It would be fun.

"It has not changed a bit." I exclaimed and heard my two friends chuckle.

"You were only gone for several months." said Mia. " But it felt like a millions of years." I grinned.
"Awwwww" I said and we burst in to laughter.

And then , from the corner of my eye , I saw something whizz toward me. I reacted immediately and caught the basketball, inches away from my face.

What the heck?

I heard Isla inhale a sharp breathe. Of course she knew that I was pissed off.

I turned around and caught sight of five guys standing across us. So that's where the ball came from.

"Hey, babe, pass it to me." called the dark haired guy, who stood in the front.

I fumed. What did he just called me? Seeing that I was not going to throw his ball, he took several steps forward and spoke again.

" Come on babe, just throw it, don't be afraid." he said, his green eyes, twinkling.

Afraid? Huh? I wanted laugh my head off. This asshole was thinking that I was afraid of a basketball.

Afraid? Zena Adams? And that too, to throw a basketball? No way!

He took another couple of steps toward me and that's when I saw him properly.

He felt familiar.

Green eyes, black hair, sharp cheek bones , playful smirk , arrogant talks

..... And then it hit me.

It was him. After all those years, he was standing right in front of me.
My sworn enemy,

Lysander Dunbar!

Lysander's POV

I stared at the girl that stood in front of me. She was slim and some what tall.

Her long dark hair was pulled in to a high pony tail and she was in a high vest and a pair of jeans.

Her high vest was tight and hugged her torso and show off her curves.
I have to say that she was hot.

But what took me off guard were her eyes.
Her brown eyes were narrowed in to thin slits and were filled with fury.

The brown haired girl, beside her , whispered something in her ear and she nodded.

The dark haired girl took a step forward and slowly walked toward us, dribbling the ball along her side. Woah! Didn't see that coming.

Her every step was powerful and full of determination.
She took each step with growing confidence, her jaw clenched.
There was a strange energy in her. I could say that. And there was a fire burning inside her.

Well, she did seem a bit familiar. According to the way she managed the ball, she might be a player.

I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah , you do have the basic skills." I said and grabbed my basketball from her.

"Now clear off you chicks." I said . "We wanna play a game."

Something flashed in her eyes but she covered it with a bored expression.

"It's you guys who should leave." She said, in a clear and strong voice. Her voice was beautiful and melodious but it also held a strange authority.

I felt my jaw drop. Did she just ask us to leave?
"Listen, I see that you don't know me." I started.
"It would be better if you leave without much trouble. We need the whole court."

" It's you who don't know me." she said. " We are playing here, and no one can object."

I smirked. Who did she think she is? "Playing?" I asked. "What are you playing? Hopscotch?" I mocked.

"I played hopscotch when you were learning to crawl." She snapped. "And now , we are going to play basketball."

I laughed and started dribbling the ball. "Go and play somewhere else. We have no time to waste."

And then she did something surprising. She made a sudden move and even before I could register what had happened she was dribbling the ball that was in my hands , a second ago.

Woah..! She was so fast.

She raised her right hand and displayed three fingers.

"I challenge you!" she said in a high and determined voice.

I felt frozen. Did she challenged me?
This might be fun.
Though I couldn't help feeling that I have seen her before. And that challenging sign she did, I have seen it before.

I turned around and gave my friends a look as if to say, are you in?
Ethan, my best friend, gave me an are-you-serious look.
Jake smirked while Max gave me a thumbs up and Blaze cocked an eyebrow.

I turned back to the girl and smirked. She was too high up and I wanted to show her place.

" I accept your challenge."

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