Nice or what?

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"Will you be alright on your own?" Isla asked for the sixth time. "I really don't want to leave you by yourself when that next door jerk is looking out for a chance to pay you back."

Isla and Mia were going out on shopping and I refused to go since my twisted ankle was not better and I didn't want to walk for miles with that painful ankle.

I rolled my eyes.
"Come on mom, I am seventeen, I can look after myself."

"Oh, and we will buy some kind of ointment for that ankle of yours." Isla added. "Keep the door lock and stay safe."
Well, sometimes she acted as if she is my mom and I was a seven year old child when I am seventeen.

I grinned and gave her a salute.
"Aye aye, mommy dearest!"

Isla gave me a playful glare and Mia waved as they left.
I locked the door and fell on to the couch, grabbing a novel.
Way to spend time.

After about three hours, I got up and stretched myself, feeling hungry.
I remembered that there was a packet of biscuits in my car and decided to fetch it.

I opened the front door and peeped out. All was clear. Good!
I slowly climbed down the steps, afraid of upsetting my leg.
I have to say it hurt more than I imagined.
I was almost at the end of the stair case when I heard a hissing sound.
I panicked and turned around at once and that moment I lost my step and found myself tumbling down the steps.

"Ouch!" I groaned in pain as I landed on the ground at the ending of the steps, with a final thud.

Looking around, I saw a black cat, who hissed at me again and disappeared up the roof.
Damn that cat.

Rubbing the dust off my hands and tried to get up but fell back with a groan.
My ankle was paining like a bitch.
Great! I must have got the twist worse.
I tried again to stand up and walk but it was no use .

I examined my ankle and saw that it was swollen and was turning in to a slight blue.
It looked like I would have to stay on the ground like that till the girls come back and it might take hours. They went SHOPPING!
And not to forget that my damn ankle was hurting like hell.

I winced in pain as I took another failure of attempt to get on to my feet.
I gazed around myself half hoping to see someone who could help me.
I dared not to yell for help in case that Lyzender Dunbar come and made fun of me.

But at that moment I was at the edge of my patience. I was so fed up with the pain.

I groaned and lay on the ground, resting my head on a step.
I fluttered my eyes close, scrunching up my face in pain.

After few seconds, I heard a voice.
"So, are you gonna lay there like that or let me help you?"

I shot my eyes open and raised myself in to a sitting position.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him standing in front of me, arms crossed and a smirk on his stupid face.

"Lysander."I scowled and tried to jump on to my feet, almost forgetting that I had a twisted ankle and helplessly fell back.

He quickly stepped forward and pulled me in to his chest, wrapping an arm around my waist and preventing my fall.

I gazed up at his emerald eyes and felt myself getting drowned in their depths.

It was as if they had casted a spell on me. I just couldn't look away.

I mentally slapped myself. What the heck was wrong with me??

He was my enemy for crying out loud.

I blinked, clearing the weird feelings and pulled away from him, only to wince in pain and fell back to the ground.

I raised my eyes to meet his, which were filled with amusement.
I turned my head away , ignoring his amused looks, feeling helpless. I truly hated to feel helpless.

"You are hopeless." He muttered.
"Huh?" I asked. "What do you.."

But before I could finish Lyzender approached me and picked me up in bridal style.
I was too shocked. As soon as I found my voice, I shouted at him.

"What are you doing? Just put me down!"

"Do you want me to leave you screaming at the bottom of those steps?" He demanded, looking straight at my eyes.

I gulped and shook my head, avoiding his gaze.
I almost could imagine his stupid smirk.

Sometimes, I really wish that murder was not illegal.

And then he climbed up the steps with me in his arms. My arms involuntarily wrapped around his neck.

I felt him stiffen at my action, but I didn't care since I didn't want to take any kind of risk in falling down.

He entered my apartment and carefully placed me on the couch.
I looked up at him, not knowing what to say.
He gazed back at my eyes, making me feel kinda weird.

"Oh, my God!"
I snapped my head to the door where Isla and Mia stood with wide eyes and opened mouths.

Before any of us could react, Lyzender walked toward the door without even looking back.

"By the way, her ankle is pretty bad." He called over his shoulder
before walking out of the door.

The three of us stayed frozen for a few seconds.
"So  do you want a shovel to help you pick up your jaws from the ground?" I asked, sarcastically.
And then, Mia gave a shout.
"He carried you in his arms!"

"Nice to see you too, Mia."I said again,  sarcastically.
"Tell us what happened!" Mia shrieked as she threw her shoppings on to the ground and flung herself on the couch beside me. "Geez! Tell me, girl!"

"It's nothing much." I shrugged.
"I just went to fetch a packet of biscuits from the car and fell down the steps and twisted my already twisted ankle some more. Then I lay there, not being even able to stand up , when that Lyzender showed up and carried me inside."

"Oh, that's so ROMANTIC!" Mia shrieked.
I slapped her arm, glaring at her.

"Well, even I ship you two." Isla said with a grin. "We just caught sight of him, carrying you and you two looked sooooo cute!"

"Are you fucking insane?" I yelled. "Have you forgotten who he is and what he did?"

"Every one commits mistakes, Zena." Isla said. "And it's not fair to judge someone from his past mistakes. Besides, don't you think it was so nice of him to help you even after your latest prank?"

I felt my cheeks flush at what she said. Yeah, that prank. She was right. It was nice of him to help me, when I was so helpless ,even after that prank. But, why did he do it?
Was it some kind of plan of his?
Or was he actually being nice?

I mentally slapped myself.

Nice? Lyzender Dunbar? Are you kidding, Zena?
Have you forgotten what he did?
It was because of him that both I and Alex had to ho through all that shit.
He caused so much trouble to Alex. It's because of him that Alex and I were not together when we needed each other, the most.

He and the word nice don't go in a same sentence. No, never!

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