I broke my fifth punching bag for the month!👊

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           The party was finally over and we decided to go home. Daniel had already left with his father.

Alex and I shook hands with Mr. Dunbar and when I offered my hand to Brenda, she surprised me by pulling me in to a bone crushing hug.

As soon as she let go of me, I took a huge gulp of breath.
With the corner of my eye, I saw Alex smirking. I glared at him in return.

"Oh,you sweet little child." Brenda cooed and pulled a terrified Alex in to a hug.
I could not help the smirk that appeared on my face.
When the sweet little child was finally released, Brenda hugged my mom.

"She's a real terrifying hugger." Alex hissed to me.
I nodded vigorously.

I hugged Nicky goodbye, promising to call her.

And then it was time for Alex and Lyzender to say goodbye.
Both of them, just stood there facing each other.
Alex's body was rigid, his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.
Lyzender had an amused smirk on his face. He probably was enjoying my brother's discomfort.

My father's gaze fell on them.
"Alexander," he called in a stern voice.
"Shake hands, my boy."

Alex's fists clenched and I quickly took his hand, squeezing it. I placed my forefinger on his and rubbed my thumb against his knuckles.
It was a silent gesture of ours to say that we'll always be there for each other.
Alex's eyes snapped to mine and I nodded at him with a small smile.
I saw Lyzender observing us with a curious look on his face.
I gave him a death glare which he returned with an amused smirk.

Alex took Lyzender's hand and gave it a firm shake.
I noted that he was holding Lyzender's hand a little too tight and I had to nudge him to let go.
"It was a pleasure meeting you again, Dunbar." I forced through gritted teeth, with a forced smile to go on with.
Lyzender arched a perfect.. I mean an imperfect eyebrow of his and put out his hand to shake.

I shook hands with him and at the moment my hand touched his, I felt an electric current rush through me.
I immediately pulled my hand away, giving him another fake smile.

I then caught Brenda eying us with a strange glint in her eyes.
It seemed hopeful?

Urghh.. Whatever!

"My idea is that our children should get closer." My father announced.
I choked on my own saliva and Alex went in to a coughing fit as we heard what he said.
Lyzender looked as if he was going to pass out.
Did I hear it right?
One glare from our mothers, we all straightened ourselves and put on blank looks.

"We really should let them get to know each other." My father continued.
"They should hang out often. And they would become best friends one day."
I mentally self palmed.
Was he serious?

"I know." My mom squealed.
"Nicky and Lyzender should come to a dinner at our house."
I shared a horrified look with my brother.
"That would be great." Brenda said.

"But, MOM!" Three horrified voices cried in unison.
"Mom, can't you remember this guy? He's Lyzender Dunbar. The former leader of Petersburg High's basketball team." Alex yelled in frustration.

"So what?" My father demanded.
"That was in past, Alexander. And even you are guilty for those incidents. And now, you are stepping for a new start."

Father's voice had an edge we realized that we should never cross, so we both shut up and waited for out destiny to be decided.

"Then, that's it. I will send Lyzender and Nicky to your house for a dinner. How about next Saturday?"
Brenda asked.

Oh god! Why me?

My mom agreed and it was decided.
A dinner with the devil.


   "Woah! Zena!" Henry yelled.
"Why all the steam! I really feel sorry for the poor punching bag."

It was Saturday and I was with my friends in the ground floor of Henry's place which we used as our gym.

I looked up from the punching bag I was beating the shit out of, a millisecond ago and wiped the beads of sweat off my forehead.

"Care to take its place?" I asked, tilting my head to a side.

Henry took a step backward and raised his hands in mock surrender.
"Geez, Cinderella, cool down girl." He said.

I scowled at him and turned back to the punching bag, rearranging the tapes that were wrapped around my fists.

"We better buy more bags. That one is also gonna break." I heard Edward whisper out loud. "I bet twenty bucks that she is gonna break it." He announced.

I rolled my eyes and threw a violent punch to the punching bag.
I closed my eyes, focussing and bringing out all the anger inside me, I threw a really furious punch that made poor Mia who was resting on a bench tumble down the bench with the loud sound.

"Zena, is something bothering you?" Isla asked, concerned.
"If so, you can tell us. You have to stop torturing yourself."

I took a step back and turned around to face my friends who had worried looks on their faces.
I let out a sigh and unwrapped the black tape that was wrapped around my knuckles.

I heard Henry and Isla exhale a breath.
Henry must have felt relieved thinking my training was finished and his punching bag was safe.
I knew Isla was feeling relieved, thinking that I have finally stopped torturing myself, her words , not mine.
Mia gave a sigh of relief and scrambled back to her bench, probably thinking that she could have a moment of peace.

"Come on Zena." Isla said. "Let's go and have a drink."

I gave her a smile, she smiled back.
I then swirled around and vigorously kicked the punching bag with a shout of rage.


Mia landed on the ground, cursing.

Isla gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.

Henry banged his head on a wall.
"There goes my fifth punching bag for this month." Henry shouted in frustration. "Seriously girl?"

Edward had a dropped jaw and gasped as he stared at the broken punching bag. Then he broke in to a huge grin and turned to Henry, who was almost crying over his lost punching bag.
"Twenty bucks, bro." Edward said.

Emma, who was doing push ups glanced up, shook her head and continued to do what she was doing.

Lily, who was exercising with her ear phones put on, gave us a puzzled look. Give her an ear phone along with a cell and an earthquake may come but she won't know a thing.

I sighed.
"Next time, buy a stronger punching bag." I said to Henry as I walked out of the ring. Henry scowled at me.
As I passed Isla, I grabbed the water bottle she had and took two or three huge gulps, before sitting down on a step.

"So, spit it out girl." Emma said, settling down beside me.
"What happened?"

"Lyzender happened." I said, earning groans from my friends.

"Same old story." Henry said, ruffling his own hair.
"Now what did he do?"

"I told you that his father is my father's business partner, didn't I? Well, my mom invited Lyzender to our house for a dinner, today." I said, burying my head in my hands.
"Even Alex will be there. I might be able to hold my anger but, Alex!"

"Wooo! Sworn enemies to have a dinner, TOGETHER!" Henry exclaimed.
"Have fun."

"Yeah, I will have fun, trying to stop Alex and Lyzender from killing each other in front of my mom." I said, sarcastically.

"Only in front of your mom?" Emma arched an eyebrow.

I gave her a sheepish smile.
"I'd help Alex to kill that jerk once we are out of my mom's sight." I said and we all burst in to laughter.

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