Sticky BoBo and Sneezeing fits.🚗

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  "You should have seen his face, guys." I said, laughing.
    "It was hilarious!"

Mia and Isla laughed with me.
It was the day after the dinner with Dunbar and I was back at our apartment, narrating about previous day's incidents to my two best buddies.

"But your car is with him." Isla pointed out.
"He might do something to it."

"Yeah, you are right."

And then we heard footsteps accompanied by Henry's voice.
"Zena, there's something you should see."
I shared a look with Isla and Mia, before jumping in to my feet and hurrying outside after Henry.

"My BoBo!" I exclaimed as I saw my dear beautiful car, parked in our yard.
I ran to it, wondering when Lyzender returned it.
I carefully observed it, looking for any damages.
Not a single scratch.

I flung its door open determined to find whether that jerk had done something to my car's engine. But the moment my eyes fell on its inside, I let out a shriek and jumped back, making Mia, Isla as well as Henry to rush to my side.

"Zena, what happ..." Mia started but gave a horrified gasp as well.
I took a deep breath as my mind took in the sight that lay in front of me. The seats of my poor BoBo was covered in some kind of sticky, slimy , greeny , disgusting slime.

"Dunbar." I said through gritted teeth.
Henry gently pushed me aside and peeped in, scrunching up his nose in disgust at the bad smell f the slime.
It even was stinky.

"Need a really good cleaning." Henry said, pulling out his head.
"You should... Aaaaaaaa... CHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
He suddenly let out a huge sneeze.

"Geez, dude. Use a handkerchief." Mia said, scoldingly.
Henry nodded, his face red and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket.
"I didn't mean to Aaaaaa.. Chhhhhhhoooo... I'm sorry, guys, Aaaaaa chhoooo.. Achoooo.. I am Achhhoooo.."

We stared at Henry in horror as he went in to an uncontrollable sneezing fit, not knowing what to do.
I rubbed his back as he doubled over, sneezing uncontrollably.
"Henry, are you allergic to slime or something?" I asked.
"I guess you ..." But I never got the chance to finish that sentence.
"Aaaachchhhhoooo!" I sneezed, surprising myself.
"Goodness!" I exclaimed, pulling out my hanky and wiping my nose.
"I don't know Aaaachchhhhoooo.. Achhhhooo..
Aaaaaa chchoooooo."
I also went in to a helpless fit of sneezing.

"Zena, are you okay?" Isla asked but I could not manage to reply by words so I sneezed again instead.
And then it was Mia who went in to a sneezing fit, followed by Isla.
In several seconds, all four of us were sneezing uncontrollably.

"What..... The......... Hell...... Is........ Happening.......... To Us?" I managed in between sneezes.
I finally tuffed my hanky inside my mouth in an attempt to stop myself from sneezing. I removed my jacket and quickly tied it around my mouth, covering my mouth as well as nose.

Isla, who had moved several meters away from us, had finally stopped sneezing.
She let out a sigh and walked toward us.
As soon as she reached us, again she went back to sneezing.
That is when it clicked in my mind.

I peeped inside my car and gently touched the steering wheel as well as the inside of the windows. As I checked them, I noticed that they had some kind of powder.
I took a bit of the white powder to my finger tips, closing the door of the car I shoved my friends who were still sneezing away from my car.
Once we were a good distance away from it, we all stopped sneezing.
I removed the jacket that I had wrapped, covering my mouth and gently smelled the powder only to sneeze out of control, again.
I quickly wiped off the powder and after a few seconds, my sneezing stopped.

I breathed heavily,  vigorously wiping my nose, I glanced at my friends who had red faces, swollen noses, teary eyes and were  breathing hard just like me.

"W.. Wh.. What.. Was it?" Isla stuttered, her face as red as a tomato and her nose looked like a cherry.

"Sn.. Sneezing p..powder." I said.

"Sneezing powder?" Three furious voices yelled.

We glanced at each other.
   "Dunbar." We all groaned in unison as we sank on to the ground, exhausted after our sneezing competition.

A/N. 👑

Short chapter, I know.
But that's because I wanted to give the next scene a new beginning.
The next chapter will be a little special since it is gonna have some lovey dovey moments 💑 between our hot headed couple. 😜

       -See ya.-  👋

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