I am falling for her

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"Yeah! Let's party jerks!"

Mia yelled, swinging her arms around her head. "PARTY PARTY!"

I shook my head, grinning as I chugged down a glass of beer.

I was at a party organized by some girl Ummm.. Lacey or Laley or.. someone.

Mia, Isla,Emma,Henry, Edward, Lily we all were there.
And guess what? Daniel also joined us, saying that he was too tired of his boring life.
Since our dear Daniel was there, I decided that I didn't have to be in my senses and could drink as much as I want, just for that day.

"I love this song!" I shrieked as my favorite song was played by the DJ. "I love you DJ!"

I yelled as I pulled Emma to the centre of the dance floor. I raised my hands, waving them in the air and started to dance.

I flipped back my hair and shook my head from side to side and then up and down. Mia who was dancing beside me, laughed and playfully shoved me, causing me to loose my balance. I was pushed against Henry and he immediately helped me to stand properly on my feet.

"Yo dude." I said, grinning.

"Yo back,babe." Henry said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. Henry and also Edward were like two silly brothers to me.
He took my and twirled me around.

I chuckled as I shoved him with a playful glare.

"Go flirt with some silly girl,Blondie." I said.

"Oh, I will." He said. "But, now I need a dance with my dear feisty friend."

I rolled my eyes but took his hand and danced for some time.

"I'm gonna get another drink." I said to Henry. He nodded and continued to dance. I made my way past the dancing teenagers to the bar.

I orders another glass of beer and gulped it down in two seconds. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and pushed myself off the wall I was leaning against.

I felt my legs going wobbly and my head went spinning. Goodness! I was truly drunk. I forced my eyes open and searched through the crowd. Where were the others? Ah, they must be in the middle. I forced my legs to walk through the crowd but then thought better of it.

If I could take some fresh air, then perhaps I would feel better.
Nodding to myself, I walked toward the exit. I finally reached it and tumbled outside, taking huge gulps of fresh air. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the ground. The soft wind blew past me, making a few loose tendrils of my hair fall on to my face. I tugged them behind my ear and took another deep breath, closing my eyes shut.

"What is a beauty like you doing out side all by yourself?"

I was startled by the rough voice and immediately jumped on to my feet. A tall guy stood in front of me, with a cigarette tugged in between his lips. I scrunched my nose at the cigarette, "Non of your business." I snapped and started to walk away from him. Though I was drunk, I was sober enough to know that I should not be alone with that guy for not even five seconds.

Suddenly, that jerk grabbed my hand and swirled me around to face him. "Not so fast,babe." He hissed as his hand ran down my face , making me want to vomit in disgust. His hand moved along my hand and I had had enough. I brought my foot up, kicking him in his stomach. He groaned and let go of me, doubling over in pain.

I turned on my heels and started to walk away as fast as possible. I may have kicked him but I was not strong enough to fight that giant of a guy by myself, considering that I was drunk. If I was sober, I'd have him down in ten seconds.
My luck!
I cursed under my breath as I ended in front of a swimming pool. Seriously? Did I seriously lost my way even at a time like this?
I groaned and then I felt my legs going shakey and before I knew it, I was down on the ground on all four.

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