"Thank you, I guess. So, why didn't you tell me about Chemin?" Xia questioned.

"Simply, because you stress over everything. Your anxiety couldn't handle it. So, whatever happens, just be prepared," Jaebeom said, and it sounds like he knows more than what he's telling.

What did he know that Xia didn't know? Did he have cancer? Was he dying?

"Okay, I just hope he's okay," Xia looked down and silently prayed a protection prayer for Chemin. He was the only family she had here in South Korea, and if she lost him, she wouldn't have anyone.

She thought about how she briefly saw Chemin tonight and didn't get to really talk to him. Would that have been the last time they saw each other?

"Bruh, I cannot lose him. I literally have no one," Xia thought about the thought of being alone. She didn't really know her family back in the states, so that wasn't an option.

"You still and always will have me. I got your back regardless," Jaebeom admitted. Xia smiled and moved over to hug him.

"It's going to be okay. No matter what happens," Jaebeom held her and stroked her hair. Xia couldn't believe how nurturing JB was to her.

"Thank you," she said. She looked down at her phone and told everyone what they needed to do while at the hospital. No matter what, Xia still had to step up as the natural-born leader she is and make sure everything is okay even while they are absent.

"No problem," Jaebeom replied.

Xia looked through her work group chat, and everyone agreed they would handle everything and make sure they do everything to make sure things are together for the next night.

It made her smile how her co-workers are stepping up for her while at the hospital with Chemin.

Everyone loves Chemin, and they have really become a family at Sugar & Spice. Chemin is so patient and kind to everyone.

He's a different type of boss, and even when they mess up, he shows them how to do things differently. He's not really a man of many words, but he's definitely one of a kind.

Chemin gave Xia her first job when she failed out of college and needed to figure things out. She quickly excelled at the club, and that's when Chemin realized she was a great leader. There were a lot of people in Seoul that didn't want to give her a chance, because of the simple fact of her being black.

But, Chemin knew that her struggle was hard, and he wanted to make things easier for her. All she needed was a chance, and he knew she would excel. She's the most liked at the club, and customers are always sweet to her. She's grown a lot in almost eight years, and she's forever thankful to have Chemin in her life.

"You know Chemin is like family to me," she said.

"I know Xi-Xi, and everything will be fine," he said.

"Hey Xia," a voice caused her to look up, and she couldn't believe that Chris made it to the hospital. She didn't even chance to say goodbye to earlier, because she went into panic mood.

Xia noticed he cleaned the makeup off his face, which she understood. She liked him better without the makeup anyway, especially with his lips and his juicy nose. She couldn't deny the man is definitely attractive.

Xia had a weak smile, even though she was glad to see him. She was still sad about Chemin. She sat up in her seat and distance herself a bit from Jaebeom.

"Thank you for coming," She stood up and hugged him. It was thoughtful of him to come to be there with her. She felt electric between them. If Jaebeom weren't behind her, she would kiss Chris, because she was so hot being this close to him.

"Anything for you. I wanted to be here with you. I also wanted to thank you because I got a business meeting next week," he shared with her, and that made her smiled.

"Why are you thanking me?" Xia asked.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gone out there or even sung that song. Thank you," Chris said.

"Aww, that's sweet to hear that. I didn't do anything, but you're Welcome," Xia felt the glare of Jaebeom from the corner of her, and she pulled away from Chris' grasp.

She completely forgot he was there and decided she wanted to introduce them. "Hey, Chris, this is my coworker, Jaebeom," she stood back to introduce them. "And Jaebeom, this is Chris," Xia said. She could sense the tension between the two men.

Chris extended his hand. "Nice to meet you," Chris spoke in Korean.

Jaebeom stared at his hand, but didn't shake it.

"Germs," Jaebeom looked down at his phone. Xia rolled her eyes because she knew he was going to be rude to him.

Xia sat down in her seat. "Don't worry about him," Xia tried to explain.

Chris sat on the opposite side of her, and Jaebeom focused his attention on his cell phone.

This was such an awkward situation because she still didn't know how long Jaebeom stood at the door before he knocked.

Chris was aware that they had a previous relationship, but Xia didn't reveal to what extend. Things were complicated as fuck already. She hated being in awkward situations.

"Everything will be okay," Chris spoke to her in English, which she felt comfortable doing, but she knew Jaebeom couldn't understand.

Chris held Xia's hand, and she looked down at it. He was full of surprises.

Is he intentionally trying to make Jaebeom jealous?

"Thank you. He practically raised me when I moved here to Korea, and he's all I have, " Xia explained.

"That could be tough, " Chris replied. He rubbed her hand. "But you're handling it very well. I'm proud of you, " Chris kissed her on her cheek.

Xia felt comforted by his gentle words and sweet gestures, but she knew that this was getting under the skin of Jaebeom, and even though she had a right to be petty, she didn't want to be.

"Thank you. Oh, I forgot to tell you great job tonight, " Xia wanted to focus her mind on other things so she wouldn't stress herself over things.

"Which part?" Chris teased her. Xia knew he was hinting to something else.

Before he could answer, Xia watched Jaebeom get up out of his seat, and she could tell that he was bothered.

Chris and Xia both looked at each other. Chris smirked, and it was apparent he was trying to make his mark.

"You're so bad. Thank you for helping me take my mind off of everything, " She said.

"Have they given you any updates?" Chris asked.

"No," Xia shook her head. "I just can't lose him. He's really all I have," she said.

"Awww," Chris wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. "Whatever happens, we will get through this together," Chris said.

He was definitely different than what she was used to with Jaebeom. "Wow, thank you," Xia said.

"Of course... I already feel so connected to you. I can't even put it into words," Chris said.

Xia wanted to respond and tell him the same thing, but she had to protect her heart. Could he be playing with her cause she's vulnerable right now? She wasn't used to taking risks or moving fast.

"Thank you. That's sweet of you," Xia said.

"Ms. Jones?" A nurse approached her. "We need to talk to you about Chemin," Xia felt nervous about what they were about to tell her. Is he okay? What is going to happen?

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