"It means his people could have one, too," Rick says, glancing at his son and Michonne. He turned back to Glenn. "They could've heard out plan. This isn't safe."

The car jerked harshly making Lee to shoot forewords. Michonne grabbed the boy, pulling him back as they hit walkers and blood splattered on the windows.

"They were right behind us," Glenn shouted. "They would have hit us. Now they can get out."

The man floored the car before coming to a harsh stop, this time Lee hung on to something.

Rick rushes out of the car, looking for the RV, while Lee climbed over Aaron, jumping out of the car and rushed over to his father.

"I don't see them," Rick called, grabbing onto Lee's arm.

Glenn climbed on top of the car and looked in the distence, but it was blocked by herds of walkers.
"No, they're gone. They got away."

He climbed down the car and wiped off some of the blood from the windshield. Lee climbed back over Aaron, who moved back to give her room as his father and Glenn got back in the car.

Rick took out the map. "We can take a left a couple of miles up 23. Jefferson Avenue."

"Jefferson Avenue," Glenn repeated, starting up the car. The engine sputtered before it dies. Lee looked out of the windshield and saw walkers heading their way.

"Dad! Walkers!" He cried making Rick look up at the window.

Glenn mumbled a few curse words under his breath, the car refused to start. The snarling of the walkers got louder as they stumble towards them.

"We got to get out of here!" Aaron shouted. "They're coming right for us!"

Michonne said something that Lee didn't catch. He was panicking. Lee realized he wasn't as brave as he thought, they might die and never see his siblings again.

Lee started hyperventilating at the thought of not seeing them. His breathing began to come out in wheezes causing his father to snap his head back to him.

"Lee! Hey, it's alright. Baby, breathe." Rick says, reaching back to him.

"D-ad, I'm-I'm not—I can't—shit." Lee stuttered, holding onto his father's  arm.

"Hey, it's okay. Just breath." His father said.

After few long minutes, Rick and managed to calm his son down. He was panicky, his dark eyes wide, but he calmed down enough to focus.

"Hold up." Glenn said as a red flame flew up in the sky.

"Shit," Aaron whispered making Lee look at him.

"Who did that?" Lee asked.

Aaron grabbed the door handle ready to leave but the teen grabbed him roughly by the shoulders.
"Who the hell did that?!"

"I need to leave," Aaron says, ignoring Lee. "This is over."

He ripped away from the boy before struggling against the ties.
"Let me out. I need to get outta here. It's over."

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