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Alice was shaken awake by Michonne who was standing over her, the older woman motioned the teen to follow her. Climbing to her feet, the redhead grabbed her weapons, quickly and quietly as she could to not wake up Virgil.

The teen hurried behind the dark-skinned woman, sneaking out of the building they resided in for the night. Alice and Michonne walked around the main inland until they got to the brick building they saw earlier.

Michonne pulled open the door, it creaked loudly as it scraped across the ground making Alice cringe. The duo stepped in, with the older woman in front, holding a flashlight as several growls and snarls of walkers irrupt around them.

The dark-skinned woman shined her light through the window of a door, grabbed the handle, and pulled it open. It creaked loudly, the sound echoing through the building.

Once inside, Alice and Michonne looked around, the room was filled with boxes like they would hold weapons. But instead of holding weapons as they hoped it was nothing. The older woman let out an irritated sigh as the lid to a crate snapped closed.

Suddenly, the woman heard a voice whispering in the distance. "Stay still. Everyone quiet."

Alice shared a fearful look with the woman as Michonne started towards the voice. The redhead quickly followed behind, her hand gripping her knife. As they walked towards the voice, they passed serval animal crates filled with the bones of dead animals.

"Is it him?" Another voice seemed to ask as Alice snapped her gaze away from the animal carcasses.

"I don't know." A woman's voice replied before a series of indistinct whispering irrupt.

Michonne moved faster, her face filled with fear as they got to another room. The older woman stood still, leaning towards a wall trying to hear the voices better.

Suddenly Alice let out a yelp as sometimes hit her on the back of the head. She fall to the ground as Michonne whipped around and saw Virgil standing in the doorway of the room with a pipe in his hands.

Before Michonne could get to the teen, the man grabbed Alice's ankle and pulled her out of the room, and slammed the door shut.

The older woman banged on the metal door, shouting for Virgil and Alice. "Vigil! Ally!"

"Why couldn't you just wait until morning?" Virgil asked looking through the door window. Alice was laying on the ground, unconscious from the hit in the head. "I told you it wasn't safe!"

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