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As Cassidy was talking to Negan and gave him a tomato, Violet came over and said it was time for bed. Picking up the little girl, she made eye contact with the man who killed her Lee.

She quickly looked away and hurried up the stairs before freezing when Negan spoke.

"You're Lee's girlfriend, weren't you?" He asked, coming towards the window. "I didn't mean for him to die."

"You ordered the gun to his head," Violet replied, her voice strained.

"I did. But it was mostly to make Rick piss his pants a little. Lee wasn't supposed to die."

Violet whipped around, glaring at the man. "Keep his name out of your mouth. He's dead because of you. You were the one who ordered the gun to his head, your men's gun. He was only sixteen. Even if it was your men's gun, you pulled the trigger. Not the tiger, not your men, you. You get to live with the burden of killing him, not anyone else."

The raven-haired woman went to walk away but stopped again. A tear ran down her cheek.

"And stop talking to Cassidy. You don't deserve the happiness she wants to give you."

With that, Violet walked away, leaving the man alone. She loved Lee so much, and when he was killed, she lost a piece of herself. They knew each other since they were babies, due to her sister being friends with Matilda.

On the anniversary of his death, she would have a picnic with Cassie and Judith at his grave. She would tell the girls stories about their brother and uncle, Judith, and Cassie, and she would paint on his rocks, little messages, drawings, and his favorite song lyrics.

She would borrow a radio, and play Heart Of Glass by Blondie, which was his favorite song. The girls would sing at the top of their lungs, receiving a few looks for our people.

Climbing the stairs to the Grimes house, Violet let herself in and met with her oldest sister. Kelly was sitting in the kitchen on the bar stool, drinking some tea.

"She was with Negan again?" Kelly asked, glancing at her sister and her niece.

Violet nodded, a hand placed on the little girl's back. "Yep. I'm gonna put her in bed."

"Vi. What did he say to you?"

The younger woman stopped. "He didn't say anything."

Kelly stood up, put her cup in the sink, and walked toward her sister. "I see the look in your eyes. The pained look when someone mentions him. What did he say?"

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