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"Y'all got your lists. Circle back here when you're done. Be safe." Her father said as they spilt into two groups.

Matilda went with her husband and their group, walking into another open section of the museum where they were raiding. Seven long months of hard work building Alexandria into what it looked like now and being a good mother to Cassie and Max.

Daryl would visit his wife and children two days out of the week and if he was lucky; a day on the weekend. Between being the 'leader' of the sanctuary, going on runs for supplies, and helping Eugene and Rosita, the redneck couldn't be with his family as much as he wanted to.

Cassie was roughly seven months—two behind Hershel. She was an overall happy baby, always smiling and laughing, especially when Judith or Daryl was around. She seemed to love her daddy more than her mama, she was definitely a daddy's girl and had Daryl wrapped around her finger.

Matilda couldn't wait to get back out on runs, as much as she wanted to stay with her daughter; she was reckless to get out there.

Max had, willingly, volunteered to look after his baby sister while his mother went on runs—Cassie also had her brother wrapped around her finger. The boy adored his sister, he vowed to protect her no matter what.

Matilda went to step towards the large staircase, stopping when she saw a glass floor. Underneath the glass floor was a large group of walkers, she snapped her head to Michonne, who was standing right next to her.

They exchanged a similar look as Maggie was the first to walk across the floor followed by everyone else. Matilda walked across the floor with caution, hoped to god it doesn't break underneath her, and made it to the stairs.

A crackling noise alerted Cyndie making her look up and saw a Walker. "Heads up!"

Maggie and Carol quickly moved out of the way as the Walker fell over the railing and was impaled on a rod. Daryl raised his crossbow, firing a bolt at the Walker, killing it.

"Onward. We'll figure it out." The King said as the group started up the stairs.

Matilda followed her husband, Cyndie, and The King as Maggie, Michonne, and Carol went the opposite direction. As they moved through the museum, Matilda stood next to the King, looking at a piece of historical art.

"How's the little princess?" The King asked glancing at the woman.

"She's good," Matilda replied as they walked towards her husband and Cyndie. "You and Carol should visit again, Cassie seemed to really like you."

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