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Max, Michonne, and the group stopped in front of the new group's ruined home. The place was tore to ruins, bodies spread across the field as Magna and her group stared in disbelief.

The new group hopped out of the wagon once DJ had stopped, Max slid off of Satellite and pulled out his mother's hammer. It was the only thing they had found of her.

"The herd you ran from did all this?" Michonne asked, motioning towards the ruins.

Magna shook her head. "No. A bigger one must've come through here."

Max watched as Magna's group walking around their lost home, Connie, Kelly, and Luke angrily smashed in the heads of trapped walkers.

"This is the first instrument I ever played as a kid." Saddiq spoke, picking up a recorder. "Max, did you ever play one?"

Max looked at the instrument and shook his head. "No. I didn't get to finish school."

"My aunt got it me one for my birthday, and I had it a whole week before my mom decided, for her own sanity, that I liked painting better." Saddiq went to play the recorder, but Michonne grabbed it.

"Well, for my sanity, you don't."

Max walked over to Connie who was looking though some stuff and tapped her on the shoulder. The woman looked up at him before he signed.

"You okay? This must be a lot."

Connie's eyebrows shot up. "You sign?"

"Yeah." Max nodded.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you like me or..." The woman trialed off.

"I'm mute. I can talk, but I chose not to. Especially around strangers. My aunt Kelly and Gabriel are helping me with it." He explained, seemly gravitating towards her because they communicate the same way.

Connie smiled, placing a shoulder on his shoulder and squeezed before signing. "If you need any help with it, I can aways try and help."

"I'll take you up on that." Max signed. "I'm sorry about Michonne. She can be a little strict on things, especially when it comes to security."

Connie waved him off. "It's fine. Magna also can be hotheaded and doesn't think things through."

"It was to be here." Luke said, looking around them. "Have you seen a recorder?"

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