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Carl sat inside his brother's and Alice's when the door slammed out and
three unknown men stormed in. Max rushed at the men, trying to fight them but the men were too much for him. One of the men grabbed Max from behind, shoving him face first into the wall before tossing him another man.

Carl was rushed at by the spare man and was grabbed from behind, he struggled against the man as he screamed and cried. Max was thrown to the floor as two men piled on top of him as he shouted.

"Run, Carl! Run!"

The six year old flail his limps widely cussing his body to slip out of the man's hold. The man tried to grabbed him but was met with a tiny, yet powerful punch to the privates. Carl crawled though the man's legs as the man crumbled to the ground in pain.

"Go, Carl! Run! Get out of here!" Max screamed as he tried fighting off the two men on him. "Go!"

Carl stumbled towards the door and sprinted out of it, descending down the stairs and out the front door of the apartment building. He didn't hesitate to ran away from the building and into main streets where it was empty. The boy made it near the plant shop when a whistle grained his attention.

He looked around and saw aunt Carol waving him towards her from where she was finding behind a hanging tarp. Carl immediately hurried over to her, hugging her around the waist as she whispered.

"Where's Max?"

"Three men attacked us, Max told me to run. They got him, Aunt Carol." Carl replied as his aunt spotted to troopers walking towards them.

Carol told him to be quiet as they watched the troopers walk past them and then the two men that where after Carol appeared. The two men walked passed them before she grabbed the boy's hand and then run out from behind the tarp, towards the building that they were packing with supplies for home.

The six year old followed his aunt around the ruined wagon Carol crouched down looking at the trail of blood leading into the building. There was a grunt from inside the building causing the woman to steps towards the door, opening a bit behind hurrying.

"Daddy!" Carl rushed over to his dad after his aunt hit the man that was on top of Daryl over the head.

Daryl immediately climbed to his feet, grabbing his knife on the way up and pushed his son behind him as the man tried to stand up. The man was on top of him was grabbed from behind and was bitten by a monster that was the second man.

The redneck stepped forward the monster and man, stabbing each other them into the head before going over to his son and Carol. "They took Judith. I lost Cassie in the crowd and RJ was with Alice."

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